Chapter 16

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Felix's POV

I opened my eyes to see...

The celing.

I sat up and looked around. I saw Sam Lucas Brooke and Jordan all sleeping on the other couches.

Oh yea.....

After the whole 'where's Codi' scandal with the police and chiz we all came back to my place to watch movies.

I gave a quick glance to the clock and saw that it was 9:12.

Since it is Saturday there are 2 choices.....



Let's watch the news.... gotta get ready for my old years.

'Breaking news.... 6 children have been caught by cops in Sweden after they were found stealing apples from a grocery store and living in a alleyway. Jordan Casey, Cassidy Naddle, Jackson Micheals, Destery Smith, and Heather Connors.'

The blond news anchor said as the screen changed to pictures of the kids.

"THATS HER!!!!" Jordan screamed, scaring the living crap outta me.

"What do you mean? who?" I asked completely oblivious to what this kid was talking about.

"That's Codi!!!! What is she doing in Gothenburg? Never mind that! We have to find her please!!!!!!!!!" he explained.

"What!?!?" I said so shocked that his 'sister' was in my hometown.

"Take me to Gothenburg."

Destery's POV

I opened my eyes to see that I was in a holding cell with Jackson, Heather, Jordan and Cassie.

Oh yeah after I followed the gorgeous bad a** to their 'home' the cops showed up.

All of the sudden I heard soft crying.

I looked around only to see Heather crying in a corner.

I quickly got up and ran over to her.

I put my arms around he and set her in my lap.

"Shhhh... What's wrong H?" I said.

Almost immediately she sat up and started saying 'I remember!'


Heather's POV

As we were walking to first period,I listened as Felix told me about where he came from and why he moved.

"And my dad is always getting a job transfer so I lose my friends." he finished. I saw a small tear drip down his cheek. I stopped and reached over to wipe it off. Leaving my hand on his cheek, I looked into his beautiful, blue eyes that were filled with unshead tears. "I know you have probably heard this before but, I promise you, that if you do move again... I will text and video chat you and do everything I can to make sure that you will always have someone there for you." I exclaimed. He put his hand over mine and enter twined our fingers.

"Thank you." he said, while blushing a bit. "no problem. Do you, by any chance... you video games?" I asked nervously.

"Yes!! I love them!!!" he almost shouted.

"Me too! we should play together one day. I bet I would beat you." I said.

"Ya, wee'll see about that. I would suggest tonight, but I already told Luke that I would play, 'Beyond Two Souls' with him tonight." Felix said while frowning.

"Here, how about tomorrow morning, you can come to my house for breakfast, then we can go to my game room and play??" I suggested.

"Yeah, I would like that." he said.

We walked into first period and quickly un-winded our hands from each other. I led him to the back of the class and sat in the corner seat.

"I always sit in the back of English, but if you don't want to you can move up..." I said trailing off feeling the heat rise to my cheeks.

"Nono, it's ok I enjoy your company..." He said quickly.

I opened my eyes and started crying.

I remember...

We'll I remember alittle bit.

I knew it.

My name is Codi.

My best friend is Felix and he moved from Sweden.

And... I think I love him.


Hey my awkward ninja turtles!

Sorry about the short updat I'm on vacation!!! for 2 days.

Any ways.


What is favorite thing to do at the beach????

My favorite thing is to sit in the sand and just relax.

Welp that's all.



I'm New (PEWDIEPIE fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें