Chapter 23

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Codi's POV

I opened my eyes and started looking around in confusion.

Suddenly I remembered what happened,

I looked up and saw Destery sitting there staring at me.

"Morning darling",he said.

I tried to move my hands but they were tied behind my back.

"W-what's going on!? Why am I here?!?! Destery!!" I shouted.

"Babe calm down... do you want some tea? A foot massage? how about we watch a movie?" he said jokingly, but when I looked in his eyes I saw guilt. but there was one other thing.... l-love?

Destery was genuinely conserned for my

we'll being.

"Why are you doing this if you care so much about me, it doesn't make sense." I said.

"Because in the great words of disney's hurculeas, people do crazy things when they're in love." he said.

"You love me?" I said scared of what his answer would be.

"Y-yeah." he said suddenly getting nervous.

"You know I love Felix." I said scared.

"Yea. But I can give you more!!! I love you! I faked being insane to save you!! I helped you escape that he'll hole! I came after you! If he truly loved you back...... don't you think he would have come after you!" he shouted.

I was over whelemed with fear and was too scared to realize that he was wrong and Felix did love me.

In fact he was on his way to find me right now.

As if realizing that he had scared me immediatly apoligized.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry. You must hate me right now. I am so horrible tying you u-"

"You are right." I sadi cutting him off.

"W-what?" he asked confused.

"If Felix did love me he would have already found me. He might have loved me once but my absense has clearly changed his mind. I guess I just needed a reminder of who has actually been there for me." I said.

"And who was that?" he asked shyly.

"You Destery. I may not love you now but over time I will come to that point."

Once I had stopped talking it had gone into a really awkward silence.

"I would hug you right now but I am kinda tied to a chair...." I said hinting at him to let me go.

When realization flooded his eyes he darted over and untied me. I got up and hugged him tightly remembering all that he did for me.

I looked into his brown eyes and suddenly.............

Felix's POV

"Come one guys... we have to hurry if we want to get Codi by tomorrow!" I said to the 2 that were following me inside, the air port.

Once we got inside, I bought 3 plane tickets to Gothenburg, and we put our luggage on the conveyor belt thing and sat down, anxiously waiting for them to call our flight.

"Flight 2277, Gothenburg is now boarding" the announcer lady said.

We boarded the plane and sat down.

"You guys should get some rest before we get there." I told the guys before i yawned, getting comfortable my self.


'Codi! we found you!' I Shouted running over to her.

'Ew Who are you?!?' she yelled and pushed me off.

'Wat do you mean? Codi it's me Felix Kjellburg' I said explaining Who I was.

'Oh, so your the guy Who i was waiting for for months but he never came! Your the guy I thought I loved and then realized that you were never coming back!' she Shouted at me angerily.

'W-what?' I stuttered.

'You heard me. Once I escaped jail, My first thought was to Find you, but then my eyes were opened. If he loved me back then why the hell isn't he here?!?' She Shouted.

'Codi I-'

'Nope! goodby Felix! oh and by the way. Wake the crap up!!!' She said and walked away.

End of dream

I woke up as the stewardess, was walking past.

I looked to my side and saw the boys sleeping on the 2 chairs next to me.

"We are about half way through the flight. 3 hours and 24 minutes left." they announced over the intercome ting.

I didn't want to go back to sleep in fear of having another nightmare.

So I spent the rest of the ride playing stupid, addicting games on my iPhone.

My stupid phone died and I began to think.

There is 1 year left of school. What happens after that?

I mean if we get Codi back we can fly back to Italy and carry on with life.

I will have to think about my future.

Maybe I could start a YouTube channel. It could be a gaming channel.

Let's focus on getting the girl I love back.


Hey awkward ninja turtles!!

I am extremely sorry about not updating.

I have been baby sitting, and packing and stuff.

So ya. Please don't throw children at me!!!!!!!!

Okay welll, guess what time it is????

Question time!!!!!!!

What do you think is gonna happen when Felix Luke and Jordan find out that Codi isn't at the jail, or the asylum?

The world may never know!!!

Welp I'm gonna gooooo!!!!


Meg (:

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