Chapter 19

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Brooke's POV

After all of their complaining I took Felix into another room and put on my sad act.

Time to get rid of that little brat's brother.

I let out a soft sigh as we sat onto his bed and switch ed through the TV channels.

"What's wrong, Brooke bear?" he asked, noticing my sorrow.

"Nothing." I said.

"No, tell meh!" he said, complaining.

"Fine...Jordan doesn't like me. He keeps giving me dirty looks." i lied.

"What else?" he said noticing my hezitation.

"He pulled me aside before..."


"And told me that i am interfering and that i should go away because I am not a good person." I finished the lie.

"Oh.... I'm sorry Brooke bear... You are a good person! Would it make you feel better if I stopped helping him?" he asked.

"Yes..." I muttered quietly.

"Ok I'll do that right now." He stated and walked out of the room

I heard him yelling at Jordan and thought to myself, 'I am so getting tired of this'

I am so bored of playing innocent.

Hmmmmm..... idea!

I heard everything and laughed to myself.

Oh Felix......

You're so nieve.

Jordan's POV

Felix came downstairs and he had an angry look on his face.

"Get out" he stated as he looked me dead in the eye.

"W-hat? why?" I said confused of his sudden frustration

"Don't act like an idiot! you think it's ok to tell my girlfriend she isn't a good person?! If anything it's you freaking sister that is not a good person!!!! She is a criminal!!!! she kidnapped me and my friends and it is not okay! So get the crud out of my freaking house!!!" he shouted.

At this point I was in tears.

"How do you not see how manipulating she is!!!" I shouted and ran out the door.

I knew exactly where I was going. The air port.

Codi always said I was small enough to fit in a suitcase.

But first I need money.

I ran home wiping the tears from my eyes. No more crying it is time to grow up....

Codi's POV

I looked around the room and all I could see was the white padded walls. I brushed my hair out of my face and stood up.

"Hello. I know your watching me. Where am I?" I shouted.

Some static appeared and then a voice said,"you are in the asylum. If you progress out of this state of insanity then you will be moved into a different location. "

"What??? I'm not insane!!!!" I shouted.

The static came back and said "in our reports we have that you have seen non-exsistant objects and heard voices. is this true?"

I knew if I showed them I have made progress then they would move me somewhere with less guards.

"We'll i do hear voices... but I don't see things anymore." I said.

"In that case tomorrow morning you will be transferred into another room where you will be treated daily. Goodnight." and just like that I was alone again.


Hey awkward ninja turtles!

What's up?

Sorry for the late update.

If you don't read my random thoughts book then you missed my announcement. Every day until July 26 I will update all my books.

Question time.

Do you guys like where this story is going!?!?

If not give meh some feed back. Most of you don't even read these so ya. Ima go.



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