Chapter 14

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Luke's POV

Did he just freaking slap my girlfriend!!

Ok you can mess with me but not... with Sam!

'Umm escuse you!!' I shouted.

'What do you want punk?!' He Shouted back.

'I want you to explain to me why, in the name of pizza, you think that it's ok to slap my girlfriend!!!!'

Felix's POV

'Ok he just slapped Sam!

I saw Luke walk up and confront him.

Brooke and I were a good distanze away that he couldnt here us.

I took out my phone and dialed the police.

[A/N I am not sure what the number is in Italy so im not even gonna try.]

"Hello. What is your emergency?" the operator said on the other line.

"This crazy, old, guy slapped my friends girlfriend, and is yelling. my girlfriend and I pretty sure that he abuseshis adopted son as well."

I explained, in a hurry.

"Ok, sir? Can you tell me your location?" the operator asked.

"We are at the Frozen-yogurt shop down the road." I answered with a hint of panic in my voice.

"Ok sir we are sending help right away." she said and hung up.

'Heathers' POV

It has been 3 weeks since Jordan and I have been running along the streets of Gothenburg. I think it has changed us both. We met some other kids who had run away. The twins, Matt and Drew, Cassie, who got kicked out because her parents didn't support the fact that she was goth, and Jackson, the only other one who was my age. Well he is 3 months older then me.

We are like the rebels of the town. We graffiti anything and everything. We have never been caught either. We steal our food. We steal our clothes. We stick together. Cassie (14), and Jackson (18), plus Jordan and I... we are unstoppable.

Our goal is to one day, buy a house and stay together. Even if it is small, anything will do. We try to earn money but it is not enough. Jackson and I work at GameStop, Cassie, and Jordan all work in a bakery across the street.

Over the past weeks we have earned about $15,000. (A/N I don't really know what money is in Sweden. So let's just leave it at dollars.) We need about $2,000 more to be able to get an apartment for a few months.  After we get this weeks paycheck we should be able to atleast get off the streets for a couple days.

"Heather! Heather!" Jordan and Cassie came up to me screaming. "Yeah guys?" I said. "Jordan played music on his guitar and I sang and people gave us money!"

They shouted in harmony.

"That's great!!!! How much?"

I asked, the excitement taking over me.

"Umm I don't know..." they said.

"Let's count it then." I said and we walked over to the corner of the alley way we were in and began to count the money which is going to help us all get our wish.

----------- After like a couple hours------------------

"Good job guys! You made $100!" I said.

"Wait! What are these?" Cassie asked picking up 2 pennies.

"Those are pennies. Where did you get them?" I asked.

"They were in the hat!" she shouted.

"OK, I guess you made $100.02. Do you guys wanna put the money in the special place?" I asked seeing the excitement creep onto their faces.

"YEAH!" they shouted.

"Hey, guys what is all the screaming in here about?" said Jackson as he crept around the corner and into the small house that we made our temporary home.

"We got money!" the 2 schreeched in union.

"Great!" he said and they began talking about their day.

"Hey guys I am gonna go grab dinner." I said.

"Okk. Don't get caught you bad a**." Jackson said.

I sent him a glare for using that word when Jordan and Cassie were right there.

"What is an a**?" Cassie asked.

"Umm that is not a good conversation. Why don't you ask Jackson?" I said as I rounded the corner.

OK what to get what to get...

Oh how about friut? I grabbed 4 of the small red apples and shoved them in my pocket after using my ninja skills to take off the bar code sticker...LIKEE A BOSS!

OK... I better go now...

AS I was walking out the door some one ran into me making us both topple over.

But thats not the worst part....

the apples fell out of my sweatshirt pocket.

"Hey! Did you try and steal these?" he whispered.

"U-mm no?" I said.

"Don't worry I am hiding too. Is it just you?"

"Nooooo" I said unsure what it was about this kid but he made me feel safe... And he was cute.

"Well, you lead the way and I will come and stay with you!" He said.

I usually fall for the cute, sensitive boys, like Jackson. But something about his, Attitiude, that was just intriguing.

"Well... ladies first." he said and handed me an apple taking the rest in his pocket.

I flipped my bangs out of my face and nodded, with a smirk on my face.


Hey Awkward Ninja Turtles,

I am sorry about the late. I have been busy.............................................sleeping. Does any body here watch Destery on youtube? well if you do... he plays the smexy rebel who bumps into Heather in the store. I will put a picture in of him after I finish my noodles.

I think I am gonna put questions at the end of my chapters so I can see if I have anything in common with my ninja turtles out there... you know besides the fact that we are awesome....

So! Todays question of the day isssss.........

What is you favourite youtuber?????????

I am not going to answer because the list would get boring buttttttttttt ya know.

Oh yeah go read a fan fic about the amazing PEWDIEPIE, and Joey Graceffa.

It is called...........

Secrets Arise

It is on my friends account but it is a collab so yeah.

I'm gonna go eat some more nooodles now sooooooooooo...



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