♠Chapter 4| An Interesting Challenge♠

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Mika's POV

Okay..the twins said that we will get our butt off on Music Room #3 at dismissal to start the challenge.

Since it's already dismissal, me and Miku are already halfway at Music Room #3. But just to be real, I only agreed because if we  win, we will dare or challenge the twins in return and I got the most perfect challenge for them *evil laugh*.

"Hey nee-san, what challenge we will give the ginger heads in return?" Miku asked, raising an eyebrow. "I will tell you if we already won." I devilishly smiled at her and she nodded.

My twin and I are already in front of the two big doors. We opened the door and everyone looked at us, "Sorry my princesses but host hours doesn't start in five min-"

"Shut it Blondie." We cut him off then he sat to a corner feeling gloomy.

Then we felt a tugged on our uniforms, we looked down and saw a little boy. "Uhm..what are you doing here?" He looks childish. "None of your business." We continued walking coming to the twins. "Hello, Mika and Miku." They smiled mischievously as we did the same, "Are you ready to start the challenge ginger heads?"

"Of course. And you two are going to lose!"

"We doubt it. You two are going down!" We did the thumbs down and stuck a tongue out. "Anyway, shall we start?" I asked. "Let's shall." We sat down on a sofa that is behind us and I have to admit, it's really comfortable. We saw the twins nodded at each other and looked at us.

"Hey do you know? Kaoru have a nightmare and that made him fall out at our bed!" Hikaru laughed while looking at Kaoru. "Hi-Hikaru! I asked you to never tell that to anyone! Why are you so mean?" Kaoru looked away and a tear fell down to his cheek. Wow...talk about deep dramas this days. "Oh I'm sorry Kaoru." Hikaru walked up to his twin and held him close to his face, "You are just so cute when you do that. I'm sorry."

"I forgive you." You know what? Hikaru is just like that obnoxious blonde. I yawned while Miku glanced at her watch. "Hmm..it didn't work for you two? Come on Kaoru, let's make them fan girl!"


After five minutes, all they do is "Twincest" act. "How is that not affecting you?!" We looked at them seriously, "You don't understood our Brotherly love!" They dramatically posed. "Don't waste your time in making us fan girl. We already told you that we are hard to beat but it's so easy for us to beat you."

"I can't think of any dramas anymore!" Hikaru whined and that made us smile devilishly. "In that case, we won!"

"No! No! No! It can't be!" Hikaru and Kaoru kneel down and feel gloomy or somehow depressed. I whispered Miku our challenge for them and she nodded. We walked up to them and they looked up while we crossed out arms. "I challenge you two to wear loincloths tomorrow at hosting hours and that includes dismissal too!" We declared and point at them.

Then Hikaru and Kaoru's eyes widened open.

"What? You two just cheated!"

"The more you disagree our challenge, the more you get a horrible challenge." We smiled mischievously at them and winked at the ginger heads. "Okay fine! We accept your challenge!"

"And..if you quit then we won twice!" We innocently smiled and show them the "peace" gesture. We walked away leaving those two kneeling down feeling depressed and stop when we are at the front of the two big doors. Me and Miku turned around to face them, "We will be visiting you two tomorrow. We would be glad to see Hikaru and Kaoru wear loincloths. Bye~!" We waved innocently and walked out.

"Nee-san! The challenge was so hilarious! Let's bring our cellphone tomorrow!" Miku giggled. "That is even more hilarious!" We both laughed and entered our limo.

Two Twins With One Love {Twins X Twins} {An OHSHC FanFic Story}Where stories live. Discover now