🎃Chapter 23| ...! (Pt. 2)🎃

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Miku's POV

Uhhhhh...I'm really worried about nee-san because Hikaru is with her. You know who Hikaru is, he's the mischievous twin and he basically plan all mischievous things.

"Miku? Are you okay? You've been quiet lately." At least he notices that I'm quietly worried about my twin. "Yeah im alright. Just worried about nee-san, that's all." I looked at him with no emotion but worry is seen in my eyes. "Don't worry, Mika is a fighter isn't she? They will be alright." Kaoru nodded as he smiled. "Hehe...uhm thanks." I smiled awkwardly and looked away. Between me and him, the innocent ones, are beyond awkward for some reason.

"Uhm...Kaoru, just out of curiosity, why don't you call Hikaru as your "onii-chan" or "onii-san"? I call my twin "nee-san" because I respect her. I think you should call Hikaru as your "onii-chan" because you are close with your twin."  I broke the moment of silence because it's making me uncomfortable. "Well, I've been calling my twin by his name for many years already and I think it's awkward to call Hikaru like that."

"How rude of you to not respect your "onii-san"." I smirked at him while I did the peace sign and controlled it up and down. "Haha, very funny Miku." He said with a sarcastic voice and with an eye roll. "What? It's true. If you keep calling your twin by his name then you are not close with him nor you do not respect your older brother."

"Fine. I guess I'll try." He sighed in defeat then the silence came back. "By the way Miku, why did you two smoke bombed when we guess which is you and which is Mika?" My eyes widened open as I sweatdropped and feel embarrassed. "Well, uh..... I'm sure nee-san will explain it when the four of us already met." I smiled awkwardly at Kaoru. "I'm pretty sure Hikaru already ask that question and nee-san answered it."

I have the feeling that they are doing drama right now. "Awwwww...but why?" He whined, "I don't want to be in a drama session right now." I chuckled softly. "Alright fine." He sighed in defeat and showed a small innocent smile that any innocent ones have. Suddenly, I felt a bit tired of walking and a little bit sweaty because it's kinda hot in here. I pulled out my handkerchief then it fell accidentally. "Oops."

I sat down with my butt isn't touching the floor to grab my handkerchief. When I touched it, Kaoru's hand landed on mine. My eyes widened as I look at Kaoru, whom is kneeling down and looking at me too. I could feel my cheeks are getting red. I don't know why but...we gazed into each other's eyes. It lasted for a few seconds then we looked away while blushing. I scratched my cheek softly while smiling awkwardly.

"Uhm...uh..let me...grab your handkerchief for you, Miku." Without turning my face to him, my expression was O.O and now my expression was like I step on a dog poo or something. "U-uh....s-sure...?" I slowly slide my hand out of his hand then stood up without looking at him. It was hard for me to stop blushing, especially when that scene is repeating on your head many times. "H-here Miku."

Turning my head slowly at him, I instead, look at the handkerchief and grabbed it gently. "Th-thanks...Kaoru.." Oh my god..I still can't stop blushing. An awkward silence came. I was in completely shocked when my stomach demonstrates a whale's mating call. Well that made me blushed even more in embarrassment. "Hehe...s-sorry." I nervously laughed. He chuckled and gave me a chocolate bar, which I gladly accept because i was super hungry. "That's the chocolate bar that I got when we go trick or treating a very while ago."

"Thanks again.....Kaoru." I smiled with a faint blush on my cheeks then realised why the hell am I smiling at him just because his nice. I fake coughed, tear the plastic open, get a piece and ate it. "Want one?" I pointed using the chocolate bar at him. "Uh, no thanks. I'm still full from eating the candies." He denied. I shrugged and continued eating my chocolate bar.

After eating, I threw the trash somewhere without Kaoru noticing it. "Say Kaoru, how about we have some fun like posting your embarrassing pictures in the internet?" I pulled out my phone and waved at him. It's kinda boring if you don't do something fun with anybody else that is with you. "No! Don't!" I twirled around while he, on the other hand, tried to reach for it.

When Kaoru reached for it one more time, we both fell at the same time. "Ouch. That hurts." I held my head and groaned. When I opened my eyes, I saw Kaoru in front of me. And... I just realised that I was laying flat on the floor with Kaoru, whom is on top of me and is between my legs. Oh no, I could feel my face just heated up or my entire body. My body is twitching and I think my body just froze because I freaking can't move.

Oh please Kaoru, be the innocent twin you are and please don't think of any mischievous things like Hikaru! He smirked- wait, he mischievously grinned and then he did the strangest thing. Kaoru just smashed his lips into mine. Oh. My. F**king. Gosh."...!" My eyes widened open as my whole body just heated up and my eyes are twitching also. Why the hell did he do this to me?! I guess his not the innocent one, but I am.

Thank heavens it only lasted for a few seconds. "Sorry Miku, I couldn't resist your cuteness." He smirked and squeezed my cheeks while me, looking at him grumpily. "Shit. He just freaking stole my first kiss! I cannot believe that it has to be this idiot ginger head but I too don't want any boys to steal my first kiss."

I pushed him off of me and sat up straight. "I hate you Kaoru. Your gonna pay for this." I crossed my arms and did the "hmph" sound with a look away. He laughed and said, "I'm sorry! But it's true, you are cute."

"Oh spare me the complements." I sarcastically said and rolled my eyes. "Kaoru..." I said while my eyebrow and lips are twitching of irritation, "Yes?" He answered without hesitation. "Let's NEVER speak of this again."


"Anyway, can we go back now and met the others? I am so tired at walking." I whined and sighed. "But you already rest when the two of us fell-" Before he could finish his sentence, I quickly covered his mouth as my eyebrow twitched. "Now, what did I just say Kaoru?" I let go and wipe my hand at the dress. "That we will never speak of this again?"

"Good. Come on, let's go back before I can get my revenge." I seriously looked at him. He licked his lips seductively and grinned mischievously.  "Hmmm...how weird..I can't taste my lips all of a sudden, can you do it for me~?"

I clenched my fist and angrily pushed him. "You idiot pervert! I didn't meant that! You are just like Tamaki!" I blushed slightly and crossed my arms with a sigh of annoyance while Kaoru laughed. "I don't think you are the innocent twin anymore." I added and looked at him in the corner of my eye. "Well, I have a mischievous twin after all, and he taught me lots of things~." He smirked as he posed.

"Ugh, whatever." I rolled my eyes at him and continued walking.

"This is the number one reason on why we hate boys.... FML..."


Finally. I am done. Next chapter is the party sooooooooooo...

Wew, another love shit. Anyway, I actually cried on the last episode of Black Butler: Book Of Circus because it's so touching. I can really relate because that is like on Philippines. There are so many beggars there that who need help. Just sharing..okay?

And sorry if this is a short crappy chapter. By the way, on the pickup line that Kaoru said, I just got that from a book called "Pickup Lines" by: JaneConquestBackup so credits are from her/him. And shout out to Scars_Of_Karma for being my eight follower~!

See ya Dudez!

Love you~!

Swagger Otaku out! *I'm hungry ._. I need some toblerone chocolate but I don't have any money T^T*

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