✖Chapter 21| Which One Is Mika?✖

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Miku's POV

That day...that horrible day where our two talents have been discovered! Is truly...horrifying. We don't care about others telling to share our talents to others because God made it to share it to anybody. We are so embarrassed.

Since then, everybody would compliment our "singing" and "dancing" even the host club and it's making us feel embarrassed again. Making us to strangle them hard enough to squeeze an orange to the glass to make an orange juice. I..I mean, we, hate it so much. If we heard one more compliment in the host club, we promise you, we will STRANGLE them even if it's Kyoya.

Well I think we made a vow or a promise to ourselves.

Anyways, nee-san and I are walking on the hallways, trying to get to the damn host club. Our senses are tingling that once we kicked the door opened and be there for five minutes, they will compliment us again for the 1999th time.

Once we are right in front of the two big doors, we kicked the door open and looked at the hosts seriously.

"Mika~! Miku~!" Oh no. Not them again. "Well since it's Halloween tomorrow, we already planned a Halloween ball or party tomorrow at night. Everyone will wear their costumes while we, in our tuxedos and gowns, because we will host the ball tomorrow! We even have time to dance~! So...wanna dance with us?" Wow. They talk too much. "In. Your. Dreams." We tapped their noses and flipped our hairs, feeling sassy.

They suddenly joined Tamaki in his corner of despair. "Mika-chan! Miku-chan!" Oh no. That annoying voice again. Honey came to us while twirling around, hugging his pink bunny and stop right in front of us. "Can you two sing for the ball? We would love to hear your voices again because it's super duper fantastic~!!"

Our eyes widened open then we death glare at him. We will fulfill our promise even if it's him. We expected that it will be the twins but...I guess we were wrong. Nee-san strangled him while the little boy tried to catch his breath and escape nee-san's tight grip. We heard the host club members gasped. "Try again to compliment our voices, you little motherfu***." She warned him as she let go of one hand and gestured the "I'll cut your head". "S-sorry.....Mi-Mika...-chan...."

Nee-san let go which means the boy fell on the floor while panting and touching his neck. "Geez Miku, just because Honey-senpai compliment your voices doesn't mean you go try to kill him." Fujioka sighed and face palmed. "It's Mika, you idiot."

"Okay, enough of this chit chat! It's time for us to guess on which is Mika!" Announced the douche king while pointing at us. "Hm. You will never tell us apart because it's impossible for you to guess which is which." I stuck a tongue out at them because it's true. Even if they try and try again, they still will never guess which is nee-san and which is me.

"Well, a little guess would never hurt. And so is a try."

"Fine. But we need to fix ourselves first." We sighed in defeat and walked in to the dressing room. The two of us took off our uniforms and that reveals our old uniforms. "Hey Miku, do you have a spare ribbon? We will have to be identical so no one will enter our world." She asked while fapping her uniform. "Oh yes, here." I gave her my spare ribbon to my uniform. We both have a red ribbon our old uniforms but...she lost hers.

I combed my bangs straight and nee-san did the same. "There. Looks like we are ready." She smirked at the mirror then we walked out of the dressing room and saw the hosts staring at us in complete disbelief. "Wow...you two look so much identical. Now it's super hard for is to guess!" Tamaki started his drama while we stared at him like a complete idiot.

"Well boys, it's time to guess which one is Mika." We smirked at them and started switching positions to confuse them all. "They made their selves more identical so the other hosts will be confused and won't be able to tell them apart. How smart their plan was." Kyoya smirked as his glasses flashed. We ignored him and looked at them. "Come on guys, we are waiting." We stand corrected, none of them won't be able to tell us apart. Not even one for sure. I was on the right while nee-san is on the left, we aren't gonna be like Hikaru and Kaoru.

Then they walked up to us and started observing me and her, and that means looking at us suspiciously while their hands is on their chins. "Hmmm...long ago, we have noticed that Mika is always in the left while Miku is on the right. So therefore this is Mika and this is Miku." They pointed left to right and that made our eyes widened open in shock and in disbelief because.....the two of them...are....right. We shouldn't have changed position some more....so that's why they figured it out.

I can't believe this....someone actually tell us apart.....no...someone actually just entered our own world now...this...is the first time. Should we lie or not? I don't know anymore. "Miku, smoke bomb." Nee-san whispered softly as I nodded then smoke bombed out of the room and appeared outside.

"This is the first time nee-san. I can't believe those two entered our world."

"Yeah...I don't think..I can go to school tomorrow because of this...trauma."

"Me too. Come on nee-san, before they could go outside and see us."

"In this horrible trauma, I don't think we can show up in this school anymore. We are afraid that someone might actually enter our world...but.. we were right. The two of us are afraid that many people would enter our world because of this...."


Geez. Deep drama.

Anyways, sorry for not updating because I am SO BUSY in watching BLACK BUTLER<3 That became my favorite anime! I'm becoming more like Grell because we both love Sebastian♥ He's SEXY for f**k sake! I call him "Sebby" and Grell call him "Basty". IM A FREAKING PHANTOMHIVE!!!

By the way, shout out to StarlaCantrell and IhasPURPlesHOES for being my sixth and seventh follower~! *And sorry if this is a short crappy chapter*

Be like me, a swagger! Be like Umaru, an Otaku! *And be like Sebastian (Sebby), a sexy butler~*

Swagger Otaku out! *Sebby~~~~*

Two Twins With One Love {Twins X Twins} {An OHSHC FanFic Story}Where stories live. Discover now