°Chapter 12| Challenges From The Host Club°

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Mika's POV

After class, we walked coming to the third music room, feeling ready to the challenge whatever we take.

If it's another Yaoi act from the twins, then we are definitely out. Once we reached there, the two of us kicked the door open and saw the pathetic host club with their mouths dropped open and with a shocked look. "Mika, Miku~! You know it isn't the proper way to open the door right~?" Tamaki smiled.

"So? We don't give a f**k about how we open doors douche bag." We crossed our arms and glared at the annoying one then he sat at the corner while tears starting to flood but we just shrugged. "Mika-chan! Miku-chan! A proper young woman should not say bad words~!"

"Listen up shorty, we don't want to be taught a lesson by a little shrimp like you." We warned him then he cried and ran to a tall guy. "That's enough Mika, Miku. You still haven't won yet so you can't roast the hosts~!" Hikaru and Kaoru stuck a tongue out. "Is this the challenge? Handle the judgemental comments about our true selves when we are being friends with boys?!" I think we are being judgemental too but we don't care.

"Oh sorry.." The twins regretted it. "Alright. We brought you two here today for the challenge that you bravely accept." Why..did we bother to come here? "Actually, it's our feet who brought us here."

Oh my god...it's quite funny that the two of us are being a bunch of philosophers xD! "Anyway, let start with Haruhi! My daughter, what challenge would you like to give the twins?" Tamaki patted Fujioka's head while smiling sickeningly sweet at her. "Oh! Uhm...I challenge you to eat this spicy candy." Without hesitation, we quietly accept the candy and unwrapped. We aren't gonna show off because that's the main reason why we lose the challenge.

"Haruhi~! Do you have any spicy candy left?"

"Sorry, I don't have any left."


The two of us unwrapped the candy wrapper and throw it somewhere. Miku and I ate the candy without an emotion as we looked at the four of them. "Wait.. you can handle spicy foods?!" Hikaru and Kaoru exclaimed with their eyes widened open, "We like spicy foods." It's not like we are showing off. "Congratulations you two." Fujioka smiled and we nodded.

"Next up, the twins!" Wait what?! Oh come on! "Mika.. Miku~!" Oh no..that devilish faces..it means they are gonna challenge us to handle..the "act" again. "If you two are gonna do your stupid act, we'll make you nosebleed by punching your faces." I stated as we show them our clenched fists.

I wish that would convince them to not do their act anymore. Its just...too much. "Nah! We aren't gonna do the act! We challenge you to a game that we love to play~!" Hmmm... suspicion is coming back to our feelings. "And what is that game exactly?" I crossed my arm as Miku wrapped her arms around my neck. "Let's play the "Which One Is Hikaru" Game~!"

They pulled out green caps behind their backs and started switching places. "Okay, so which one of us is Hikaru?" They just use the cap so the two of them will be able to cover which they part their hair. "This one is Hikaru and this one is Kaoru." We both said in unison as we pointed right to left.

"Oh! Oh! You got it wrong~!"

"No. I know we are right."

"You two may be look alike but you are very different from each other." They stared at us in disbelief. "If you want an explanation,"

"We can give you what we notice about you two."

"First, Hikaru always parts his hair on the left while Kaoru parts his hair on the right."

Two Twins With One Love {Twins X Twins} {An OHSHC FanFic Story}Where stories live. Discover now