>Facts about the Swagger Otaku♥<

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Sup Homiez!

Just like I said, this was the prize~! Now, the host club members will say the facts because it's more fun the way~! So here you go, facts about me <3

Tamaki: Okay, ladies and gentlemen! Let's get started~! First of all, Author-chan is in Grade 6 so that means she's 11.

Me: Yeah...im already at Grade 6. And believe you and me, the lessons is so hard especially Science and Math because in science, we are now at the laws of physics and in Math, algebra T^T

Haruhi: Second, she's 11 but..she have dark pasts.

Me: It's true. I have a hard life.

Kyoya♥: Third, she prefer people calling her "Kailee" instead of "Kaila".

Me: Ya. It's a beautiful name though.

Hikaru❤:  Fourth, Author-chan is a varsity badminton player!

Me: Our "coach" said that me and my varsity teammates are having a parade tomorrow (Monday) and we will come to school wearing our Jerseys and the best of all, no lessons for us! Yey~! And after that, we will have a match (me and Trisha are on singles) and we will train all day!

Kaoru❤: Fifth, She has an older sister and three brothers so that means they are five siblings.

Me: My older sister and my older brother are from different mom but the same dad, the same with me and my two naughty baby brothers. Believe me, having a not caring, like a queen in the house, easily mad, an army older sister, a teasing older brother, a super naughty, cry baby 5 year old baby brother, a really really naughty, cry baby, and a wrestler 2 year old baby brother are super hard to live with. My whole family won't listen to my complains. Its 13 against 1.

Honey-senpai: Sixth, honestly, Author-chan doesn't really know martial arts to type chapter 13.

Me: I just let my imagination work though.

Mika: My face still hurts, you motherfu*****

Miku: As the same with my stomach.

Me: Oh, Mika, Miku, what a pleasant surprise.

Mika: That's right Author-chan. Now for the seventh fact, Author-chan is a mischievous or a trouble maker girl.

Miku: Eighth, and she's talkative.

Me: That's right. That's why my adviser keep scolding me xD

Mori-senpai: Ninth, she's a Logang Pauler because of the song "Help Me Help You" but...mostly a Jake Pauler.

Me: Yup. What do I wear~? I only told you twelve times~ the first dress that you put on is still your best fine~. Okay I'll stop singing right now before it rains xD

Tamaki: Tenth, Author-chan is a troll master!

Me: That's what they call me. But, I have a partner (troll master #2) and he's my crush irl <3 He's name is Marco. But..only on Grade 5 we are classmate but we are not anymore in Grade 6 :(

Haruhi: Eleventh, Author-chan have a Fairy Tail Volume One manga and an Ouran Highschool Host Club manga..but only Volume Three.

Me: Yeah. I ask the customer service if they have an OHSHC manga in Fully Booked but they said that it's out of stock (I almost collapsed xD). So instead I brought Kokoro Connect (Volume One). When I was finding a manga to read on, thats when I found the OHSHC volume three manga (I said to myself: My life has proposed again!), I ask the cashier if I can replace Kokoro Connect manga to Ouran Highschool Host Club but she said something then yeah my cousin and i make sacrifices to buy that manga xD!

Kyoya♥: Twelve, author-san is not very good when it comes to drawing or sketching.

Me: My classmates keep saying that it's beautiful but I don't believe it. My drawings or ugly! It's not what you call art.

Hikaru❤: Thirteenth, Author-chan easily regrets what she have done wrong.

Me: True. Like that one time when I bad fingered my classmate for not giving me snacks (I know right? It's just a small thing.) then my adviser caught me Dx. Or when I d**k punch (my boy classmates always play that game. Yeah its a game.) my boy classmate for not giving me snacks when I begged him (small thing to be mad).

Hikaru❤: Yeesh. Just a small thing and you are easily mad at it? Wow.

Me: I know! I'm a terrible person!

Hikaru❤: Don't worry, people makes mistakes *pats my back*.

Me: Thanks *smile*

Hikaru❤: Welcome *smiled back*

Me: I really do need to get a life xD

Kaoru❤: *Clears throat* Fourteenth, Author-chan is a kind, generous, thoughtful and friendly girl.

Me: Or at least that's what people thinks xD *grins mischievously*. Nah just kidding, it's true cx

Mika: Fifteenth, but she's lazy too when at home.

Me: That's right! I am Umaru xD jk

Miku: Sixteenth, Author-chan loves cookies and cream ice cream!

Me: Because it's so super duper yummy and delicious!

Honey-senpai: Seventeenth, when Author-chan is reading an ohshc fan fiction story, she's imagining the story.

Me: Yep. My imagination ran it's way. Or simply calling it, my imagination works all the time cx

Mori-senpai: Eighteenth, she loves memes, dank memes, anime memes, and anime dank memes.

Me: Proud to be an meme lover xD

Tamaki: Nineteenth, Author-chan's boy classmates are so crazy.

Me: Yeah. They laugh for no reason. It's like they just smoke marijuana. And they know a lot of dank memes and they are a bunch of racist. (What are thooossee? Thrassssshhh xD)

Kyoya♥: And twentieth, Author-san sometimes swear when something screwed up happen.

Me: Ya. When something f**ked up happen, i usually swear. Like "oh my gawd, what the f**k (WTF) is that b**ch?!"

Okay. Im too lazy to type my whole facts. So there's gonna be a part two after two chapters k?

See ya Dudez!

Join the Swagger gangs! And join the Otaku fam~!

Swagger Otaku out! *cx meh*

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