✔Chapter 27| Impersonation✔

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Mika's POV

We were in the 3rd music room just chilling while waiting for our costumers. "This is too boring!" Tamaki pouted. "Wait a minute.... I know how to broke this silence, by playing a game! And I know a perfect game to play!" Ugh, he and his happy-go-lucky attitude. "Ooooo, is it "Kick The Balls" game?! Because we are masters!" I joked with an amused face.

"No!" He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Then what is it boss?" The ginger doppelgangers asked. The douche king chuckled before answering their question. "We are going to play "Impersonation"! We are going impersonate as one another in the host club, to see if we know each other pretty well!" What an interesting game. "That's a great game Tama-chan!" Mitsukuni complimented while little pink flowers darted around his head.

"Come to think of it...I agree with Honey-senpai." Fujioka smiled with a nod. "Impersonation, huh?" A mischievous glint shined in Hikaru's and Kaoru's eyes, I regretted saying that it's an interesting game. "I suppose it's an interesting game." Kyoya agreed as he pushed his glasses. "Hm." Takashi-san nodded with a stoic expression.

Then suddenly, a crazy female laughing sound was heard throughout the whole room. Surprisingly, there was an earthquake, a long blue platform raised up with smoke coming on it and on top of the platform was a long light brown-haired girl. You gotta be kidding me. The two of us face palmed. "Hello friends~! I would like to manage this game you mentioned!" Renge posed. "Admit it, you heard everything." Miku rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms and showed a serious face. "Yes! That's why I brought a bowl that contains with all your names!" She grinned widely and jumped out of her platform and landed with her feet.

"All you have to do is randomly pick one in this nine folded scraps of paper and the person you have picked in the paper is the one you will impersonate! But, don't tell the person you selected. Surprise them tomorrow!" Renge detailed the information. "I'll go first!" Tamaki declared bravely and took one folded scrap of paper and read it. "Yes!" He exclaimed happily and shoved the paper in his pocket. "Wait, let me add something. You have to dress, act and host like each other....at the end of the day, starting tomorrow morning when you go to school!" Renge declared then everyone's eyes widened open except us. "WHAA-"

"Challenge accepted." We close-eyed smile. "NO WAY!" They reacted. We stood up and took two folded scrap of paper for each of us then we read it. Our eyes widened open in shock. "What the actual f*ck?!" We cursed and angrily teared the papers. "My, my, my, a young lady should never curse! Since when did you two start cursing?" Renge raised am eyebrow at us curiously. "The day we were born." We said sarcastically and sat at the sofa. You know why we are grumpy? Because we picked the damn ginger heads.

Hikaru and Kaoru are next and they devilishly grinned at us when they read the paper. Oh no. You gotta be kidding me. If those two didn't act like us tomorrow we literally are going to have them the unforgettable payback or revenge that they deserved. "I supposed I could join this little game so I can't be bored and be bothered to force me to join." Kyoya stated as he pushed his glasses up and took one scrap of paper then read it. Haruhi, Takashi-san and Mitsukuni went next.

"Now, the challenge starts tomorrow, whoever breaks out of character, loses! Good luck~!"

*~The Next Day~* *~3rd POV~*

Many people were confused but surprised when Mika and Miku as Hikaru and Kaoru walked in the hallways to get to the music room because they thought why does Hikaru's and Kaoru's faces looks like girls even though Mika and Miku wore the two ginger heads' wigs, hazel eye contacts and the boys uniform. And they put a board on their chests to flatten it out.

They have a really bad mood. "Those twins are going to ruin our reputation." They sighed as they ignored the people whispering and looking at them.

Two Twins With One Love {Twins X Twins} {An OHSHC FanFic Story}Where stories live. Discover now