Rider's Return and Greg's Confession

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The SRU had become a depressing place ever since Rider was in the hospital. Greg and Wordy were down and out. Ed was having problems at home. Everyone else had some kind of problem going on too. Spike walked into the workout room. Wordy was listening to Pantera. He always did that when he missed his sister. "Wordy! Turn it down!" Greg snapped at him. "I'm sorry boss. I just miss my sister." "I'd miss this gorgeous body if I wasn't in it too." Rider spoke from behind them. They both snapped their heads towards her voice. "You're back?" Wordy's voice shook. "Back and better than ever." "Rider, can I speak with you?" Greg had to get an answer. He already had a feeling of what she'd say. "Sure." They walked into the debriefing room and sat down. Rider had thought long and hard about what to tell Greg. It was now or never. "Have you given my proposal anymore thought?" On the outside Greg Parker is a badass and tough, but on the inside he's a big softie and is scared of rejection. "I have and I'd like to give you my answer. I will give you a chance but if shit gets weird we will stop until I'm off the team." "Yes." Greg pushed the button and the door came down. The steel door that is. He looked at Rider and smiled. "Come on." She walked into his arms and they held each other close. "I've wanted to do this for a long time." Greg whispered in her ear. "I know. I'm sorry I was so weird about this." "Don't be sorry my love." Greg pulled away and hit the button again. "Hey Rider welcome back." Ed clapped her on the back. Greg shot Ed a look that wasn't good. "I'm glad to be back." "We missed you." Spike said, catching an elbow from Oliver. "I missed you guys too." "Any calls Winnie?" Greg thought it was way too quiet. "None, boss. Your shift ends in two minutes anyways. Glad you're back Rider." "Thanks Winnie." "Might as well go get changed." Oliver said. They went to their locker rooms. "Hey Jules, have you sewn Sam?" Rider asks. "Sam left so we could keep our relationship." "Oh okay." "How's things with you and the boss? Wordy said he never left your side?" "We are good. Jules, I uh never mind." "Okay." Rider left Jules in there to finish getting dressed. "Sis, can you catch a ride home with the boss? I have to take Ed home." Wordy asked. "Yeah, if the boss doesn't mind." "Its no trouble. I offered." Greg said, appearing next to Wordy. "Okay." They broke off and went their separate ways. Greg slipped his arm around Rider's waist and pulled her to him. "What are you doing?" She giggled. "Look. Its snowing."  "Come on its freezing out here." They race to the car and get in. "Rider, stay with me tonight." Greg more or less told her. "Well, no. Greg, take it slow. I'll be off the team in a few weeks." Rider reasoned with him. "I know, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking honey. Although I do want you to come over and ask questions to your hearts content." "Tomorrow's Saturday. Take me out to dinner babe." "Okay, pick you up at five." "Yeah. I'll see you then." Rider exited the car and went into the house. Before she made it to her room, Wordy and Shelli stopped her. "What happened with you and Greg?" Shelli asked. Wordy didn't care as long as his sister was happy. "Nothing." "Fine, you have three days to get of our house." "Whatever." Rider ran up the stairs and slammed her door shut. "Shelli, we can't do this! She's my sister!" Wordy whispered. "Baby, she doesn't need to stay here anymore. Your mother is dead." "Mom dying had nothing to do with this." Wordy went upstairs to his sisters room but she's gone.

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