No Spike

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Greg and Rider were getting dressed for work, when her cell went off. "Hello?" She answered. The voice on the other end was sobbing. "Hospital. Spike." "Okay, Oli. We have to get Wordy and we'll be right there." "Okay." Oliver hung up and Greg had been watching Rider. She had an expression on her face he couldn't decipher, but had seen before. "Come on. We have to get Kevin and go to the hospital." Without question, Greg did as he was told. They pulled up to Wordy's house and Rider punched the horn. Wordy came running out and got in the car. Greg made a u turn and headed for the hospital. "This isn't the way to work." Wordy said from the back seat. "We have to go to the hospital first." Rider retorted back to her older brother. They pulled into the parking lot and hopped out of the car. Oliver was outside, struggling to light a cigarette. Rider took the cigarette and threw it across the parking lot. "Spike is in surgery. He got into a car accident last night on his way home from the Goose." Oliver shook his way through that sentence. "What?!" Greg questioned in disbelief. Rider ran a hand through her shaggy green hair and Wordy didn't know what to do. It was his fault that Spike was at the Goose. "No Wordy. Spike was going to the Goose anyways. Don't blame yourself." Oliver snapped Wordy out of his thoughts. "Kevin, why don't you stay with Oli. We'll go to SRU and get the rest of the team." Rider whispered. "Okay. Lew's here." They saw Lew's black pick up pull in the parking lot. "Come on Greg. The others will be there soon." Greg put his hand in hers and they walked back to his car. They were silent the entire ride to the SRU. When Rider went to get out, Greg pulled her back down. "Just hold on a second. What do we tell the team?" Greg loves Spike like a son and always found joy in giving Spike a hard time about anything. This was probably the second hardest thing he has ever been through. Thoughts of hitting the bottle slowly crept into his mind. "We tell them there's been an accident and Spike got hurt." Greg was also glad to have Lola by his side. She was the one who always seemed to keep him grounded even when they weren't getting along. "Okay." They walked into the building and stopped the team as they were changing. "There's been an accident and Spike got hurt. Oli is at the hospital with Kevin and Lew. Come on guys they need us." Rider explained. Jules turned to Ed and cried on his chest. Ed's mouth hung open. "Come on Jules. Pull yourself together. Oli needs us to be strong for him." Ed whispered to her. "Come on guys. We can ride over together." Greg saw the way his best friend was acting towards Jules and knew something was up. Given the circumstances, he didn't care. They got to the hospital and Wordy was in the waiting room. "He's in room two.  Two people in at a time. Here comes Oli. Boss, why don't you head in?" Greg hugged Oliver and knew that it wasn't good. Jules and Ed snuck away so, Rider followed them. She found them in a hallway. They were talking, but she couldn't make out what they were saying. Then, they kissed and it wasn't like a friendly kiss on the cheek. This was a more than a friends kiss. Rider stood there, mouth agape. "Rider, where the hell are you?" Wordy was looking for his sister. Ed and Jules broke apart. All Rider heard  Jules say  was "No one." Before she could find out what they were talking about, Wordy was pulling on his sister's collar. "Oli, is looking for you. Why'd you sneak off?" "I was looking for the bathroom and got lost." "Come on boogerhead." Wordy put an arm around his sister's shoulders and lead her back to the group. "Hey Oli. How's he doing?" Rider asked. Oliver pulled her into a hug. "Spike has three broken ribs and some internal injuries. They are going to take him in for another surgery later today." "Oh Oli, I'm so sorry." Greg came walking back out. "He wants to see you Lola. I said your name and he perked up." "Okay, I'll be back in a little bit." Greg hugged her short and quickly, but she knew what the gesture meant. It was fucking bad. She followed the signs until she arrived outside Spike's room. She could see momma and it looked like she was crying. Rider opened the door and walked in. "Hi momma." Rider's voice squeaked when she spoke. "Oh Lola. Thank you for being here." Momma got up and pulled Rider into a bone crushing hug. Rider couldn't even get her arms up. "Momma, you're hurting me." "Oh, mi dsplace." Momma always apologize in Italian. "Hey Spikey. Its Rider. The whole team is here and we all want you to get better. Spike, I know you probably are hearing me but not processing it, but we love you and we want you to get better. We are taking good care of Oli. I'm taking good care of Greg too. Spike, you get better, so we can go back to being a family again. I love and miss you man. I'm gonna send Lew back. Okay?" Spike's ear twitched as if he was answering her. "It was nice to see you again momma." "Please take good care of yourself." Momma pleaded. "I will. You take care of yourself too." Momma hugged Rider again. This time it was almost like momma needed the hug not Rider. "I'm gonna send Lew back." "Okay." Rider walked back out to the family and noticed Ed and Greg were in a serious conversation and Jules was crying. "Lew, he wants to see you." "Okay." Lew was trying to cry himself. Spike was his best friend and little brother. Rider walked to the trio and everyone got quiet. "What?" She asked. "How many?" Jules asked, tears still streaming down her face. "None. You guys can search me if you you want." "No, we trust you." Ed said. "I saw you guys." "Did you follow us?" "No, actually I was going to the bathroom and I got lost." "I'm sorry Rider." "Its fine Ed." Greg slipped his arm around her waist. "Jules, come on. Let's go for a walk." Rider and Jules walked outside and sat in Greg's car. Rider turned the radio and the song playing was "Spit it out" by Slipknot. "Jules, you and Ed are moving pretty fast. Are you even over Sam?" "Yes, I am. Rider, why do you care?" "I know what its like to jump into a relationship because you hurt. Jules, give me something to work with." "How's this for you? Ed is the only guy that I've been with that treats me like an equal. He wants to know how I'm doing. He asks me what do I want to do. He doesn't act like an ass. I should've done this sooner." "I concur with that Jules." Ed and Greg were standing outside the hospital, watching Rider and Jules. "Send Ed a text telling him we are going to Timmy's." "Okay." Jules sent the text and they watched Ed's face changed. Jules laughed when he sent a text back. "He said bring me a double double back." Rider pulled out of the parking lot and they went to Timmy's. "Ed, your girlfriend and my girlfriend are insane." Greg chuckled. "Yeah, but yours has good taste in coffee." Ed jested. "True, do you really think they'll bring you a double double?" "Yeah." "Eddie, woman don't think like us." When Rider and Jules came they were sadly disappointed. Rider had a double double and Jules had her cream no sugar and that was it. That night was spent rotating different people to stay at the hospital with Oliver and momma.

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