Shit! A New SRU Baby

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Three months had gone by since Rider and Greg's night of nastiness as Wordy refers to it. They just finished a hot call and were getting changed. "Hey Rider?" Leah's voice caused Rider to drip singing the song. "Yo!" "I don't want to sound rude, but you are getting a little chubby." "I noticed that too." "Have you been to the doctor?" Jules chimed in. "No, I haven't. Why?" "Do you think you could be pregnant?" "Its possible. See you guys." Rider left them and walked into the boys locker room. "We need to go to the doctors babe." She whispered to Greg. "Why?" He asked. "I think I'm pregnant." "Oh. Oh." Greg's face changed. "Come on." Without saying a word to anyone, Greg and Rider left. They got in the car and Rider dialed Dean's number. "Hello?" "Hey Dean, its mom. Can you get a ride home with Clark? Dad and I have to do something that I forgot about." "Yeah, are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "Okay. See you at home." "Bye." Rider hung up and looked at Greg. He put his hand in hers and squeezed it. "Baby, no matter what the doctor says I'm not gonna leave you. I love you." He could tell what Rider was thinking. "I know honey. I love you too." They pulled into the parking lot of the doctor's office. Rider had been here a few times with Shelli, but now it was a whole new ball game. They exited the car and walked in. Rider filled out the paper work and Greg picked out a seat. "Doctor Lane can see you now." The receptionist said. Rider waved Greg up and they followed the nurse. After taking vitals and that shit, they waited. There was a knock at the door. "Yo!" Shopie walked in and shut the door. "What's going on Rider?" Shopie's smile was warm. "Well, I think I might be pregnant." "Okay, I'm going to take some blood and we'll go from there. Okay?" "Okay." Shopie put gloves on and started taking the blood. She had a nurse run it to the lab, so she could be there with Rider. Rider and Shopie never had problems at all and remained friends even though she is no longer married to Ed. The nurse came back and handed Shopie a chart. "Welp, you are three months pregnant. Congratulations." Then, Rider passed out. Before she hit the floor, Greg caught her. "Come on Rider. Wake back up." Slowly, she opened her eyes. "Shit! A new SRU baby." Rider mumbled. "How are you feeling?" Greg was worried that maybe something was wrong with their baby. "I'm good." Rider sat up and rubbed her stomach. "I'm hungry." "What you want to eat?" "Taco Bell." "This baby is going to be a crunchwrap. Thanks Shopie." "No problem Greg." Rider got up and they left. "Do you want what you always have?" "Yep." Greg dropped Rider off at home and left to get food. "Dean? You home?" Rider called. "Yeah, I'm coming." Dean came down the stairs and was smiling. "What's up?" "Your dad and I have something to tell you." "Where's dad?" "Getting Taco Bell." "Ah." Greg walked in the door and went into the kitchen. "What do you and mom need to tell me?" Dean asked. "We are having a baby." Greg said. "I'm gonna be a big brother?"" Yes." "Hell yeah. That's awesome." That night as Rider was laying in bed her phone went off. "Hello?" "Hey its Jules. Guess what?" "What?" "I'm pregnant. Three months." "No shit! Us too!" "Yay! Ed and Greg will be PTA dads." "Jules, that is mean." "Wouldn't it be cute though?" "Yeah, it would. My heater just climbed into bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow." "Ed! Stop it, I'm on the phone with Rider." The line went dead and Rider set her phone back on the nightstand. "What Jules want?" Greg asked, playing with Rider's green hair. "She's three months pregnant too." "That's funny." "Yeah, it is." Rider yawned. "Good night babe. I love you." "Good night Greg. Love you too."

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