You're an Idiot, But I Love You

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Rider ran into the house and grabbed Greg. "Come on. You've got to get dressed and we need to go. Spike's back in surgery." She spilled. Without warning, Greg ran up the stairs, accidentally knocking Rider down. She pushed herself up and Greg ran back down the stairs. They got in the car and sped to the hospital. When the got the hospital, Dean asked Rider to stay out with him. He grabbed a cigarette from his pack. "I won't tell your dad. Give me one though." She smiled and Dean handed her a cigarette. "Why'd you start?" Dean asked exhaling. "I started when I was fourteen. I was on some other drugs at the time and it seemed like a good idea. How about you?" "Mom told me that dad smokes and I was trying to feel like him." "Your dad has never smoked a day in his life." Dean smiled and laughed. "I should've known." "Hey, don't beat yourself up kiddo. We all make stupid mistakes." "We should head in." They snuffed the butts out and walked back into the hospital. "Spike rolled out of bed and broke his arm. Oli said we aren't needed here." Greg smiled at them. "Okay, we'll drop you off at home and then we'll go on our wild goose chase." Rider smiled at her love. "Okay, sounds good." Rider, Wordy, Dean and Greg bid Oliver farewell and left. They dropped Greg off at home and took off to the mall. When Rider and Wordy were standing outside the bathroom, waiting for Dean, three blonde teenagers ran past them. "Did you see that little sister?" Wordy asked. "Yeah, call Winnie. I saw the gun she had too." Wordy left to get ahold of Winnie and Rider saw the bathroom door open. "Stay in there Dean. Do not come out unless Wordy or your dad comes in." "Okay." He went back in the bathroom and Wordy walked back. "They are coming. Do you have a gun?" They whispered to each other. "Negative. You?" "Shelli doesn't like me carrying with the girls around." "I'm glad you guys are back together. You're an idiot, but I love you." "I love you too sis." Wordy left his sister to see if the team was there yet. Then, she heard the click of the safety being taken off a gun. "Do what we say and you will live. Okay?" A voice from behind her demanded. "Okay. What do you want me to do?" "Lead us to a safe room were we can talk." "Okay. Can I ask your name?" "You can call me Tam." "Okay. You probably know who I am." "Yeah, you're Kevin Wordsworth's sister." "That's right." Rider lead them to the first room they'd search once they found Dean. 'Tam' slammed and locked the door. "So how long you with the SRU?" Another girl asked. "A year." "Wow, that's not a lot of time to become a negotiator." "I've busted my ass helping Sarge on the calls. I've worked for everything I've got." "As long as you don't try to negotiate me we're cool." By now Wordy and the team were back at the bathroom where Dean was hiding. "Dean? Its uncle Wordy. Let me in." The door clicked open and Dean walked out. "Jules, get him out of here." Greg ordered. "Dad, they took Lola. I don't know where but they took her." "Jules, take him outside. See if you can figure anything out. Wordy, Ed you guys are Alpha. Leah, you and I will be Bravo." "We will find and bring Rider home." Ed reassured everyone. Leah and Greg headed back towards the shops. Ed and Wordy headed towards the room Rider was in. "Is your brother single?" The third girl asked. "No, he's got a boyfriend. They stay frosty." Wordy heard his sister's voice and smiled. "Greg, Leah, Jules we found Rider and she's safe. We are outside a conference room." Wordy spoke softly. "Okay, Wordy. We are on our way." Greg responded. "I'm still out here with Dean. He said one of them has a gun." Jules informed them. Wordy had the ram and busted the door open. "Stay back! I'll shoot your sister! Stay back!" 'Tam' screamed. "My name is Greg Parker and I'm with the SRU. I just want to talk." "Tell me Greg Parker of the SRU, how much do you love her?!" "What?" "How much do you love her?!" "Do you mean Lola?" "Yes!" "I love her so much I want to marry her. She agreed to marry me and my son is back in my life too. I love Lola more than I thought I could ever love anyone." "Do you know what its like to have everything you love taken away?!" "Yes, my ex took my son away for ten years. I hadn't seen him for ten years and last year he comes to visit me and tells me he wants to live with me. It can get better." "No, it can't get better when someone kills your baby!" "Sammy?" Rider spoke. Greg almost cried at hearing her voice. "Rider, you know what you did!" The woman identified as Sammy replied. "Jeff is alive. We just saw him last night at the Goose bar." Rider looks at Greg pleading for help. "We did. I met Jeff Brooks. Please let us help you. Please put the gun down." Greg was pleading for his teammate's life. "Did he have black hair? Huh, Parker?!" "Yes, he had black hair and blue eyes. Please put the gun down." "Okay." Sammy dropped the gun and threw Lola forward. Wordy caught his little sister and sat her down. "Sammy, please. We'll take you to Jeff if you let us." She stepped forward and Leah put the zip ties around her wrist. "Jules, why don't you handle this. I'm gonna take Lola and Dean home." Greg whispered to her. "Sure boss. Anything I can do?" "No." Greg put an arm around Rider's waist and a hand on Dean's shoulder. They got in the car and Rider pulled a cigarette out of Dean's pack. "When did you start smoking again?" Greg asked. "I figured after being taken hostage I was okay to have one." "Yeah, you are." Rider looked in the rearview mirror and smiled. Dean looked relieved. They walked into the house and Greg headed for the stairs. "Here. I promised I wouldn't tell." Dean ran up the stairs and Rider followed him up. What a fucking day.

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