Donuts and PTSD

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Ed and Rider were sitting the the debriefing room, having a cup of coffee and eating donuts. "What are you guys doing for Christmas?" Ed asked. "Wordy's, I think." Rider replied. "Hey bitches!" Spike walked into the room. Rider shoved the rest of her donut in her mouth and ate it in three chews. "Rider, change of plans we are going to Spike and Oli's tonight." Greg said, sitting on the table. Rider sat next to him. "If we get a hot call do we wear Santa hats?" Leah asked. For a rookie she was badass. Rider likes to watch her tackle people. It always hurts the person being tackled. "No. I don't look good in red." Oliver said, with Spike trailing behind him. "You're nuts! You look good in every colour." Spike jumped on Oliver's case. "Now children let's save the fighting for mommy and daddy." Ed smiled at Jules. "Ew, you nasty Lane." Rider's face matched what everyone was thinking. "Hey Winnie!" Greg called to the teams lifeline. Winnie came running. "Yeah boss?" "Are you coming to Spike and Oli's tonight?" "Yes, I'm bringing cheesecake." Rider's eyes went wide and Wordy started to laugh. "I love you Winnie." Greg looked heartbroken. "She's the main bitch now, but Greg you are my soon to be husband. There's different types of love." Rider explained. "I know, you just always say you love my food." Greg was a cross between a sad puppy and Dumbo when they locked his mom up. Rider put her head in his lap. "Greg you are the only one who cooks me lasagna when I say it." "Awe, well thank you." "Niels." Winnie whispered. She must have heard some chatter. Rider sat up and made sure her knees weren't touching anyone's. Niels walked pass them and into team three's locker room. "Thanks Winnie. That was close." Ed said. He was rubbing Jules back when Winnie warned them. "See you guys later." Winnie went back to her little area. "See you guys. Dean just text. He said he is done wrapping presents. That's our cue to leave. Oli, what time should we show up?" Greg was on a roll today. "Four thirty." "Okay." Rider and Greg got outside the building and he stopped. "I swear on Wordy's life, if you say its snowing-" He put a gloved finger on her lips. "I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and that I love you." He eyes belied his tone. He sounded happy, but he looked sad. "Merry Christmas. I love you too." Greg and Rider got in the car and drove home. There wasn't a single car on the road with them. "What were we supposed to bring to Oli's?" Greg asked. "I made Oreo Dessert and you were supposed to bring pickles." She stretched the word as if she couldn't remember. "That's right. Thank you babe." When they arrived home, Dean was waiting for them outside. "How was work?" He asked smiling. "Not bad. Lola and Ed had their annual donuts and PTSD eating." Greg replied hugging his son. "Fun. I put the presents under the tree. I'm ready to go to uncle Wordy's." "Actually we are going to uncle Oliver and uncle Spike's. Then, uncle Wordy's." Rider explained. "I got the stuff on the porch too." "Okay. Dean, will you carry it. We should probably head over now." Dean double backed and grabbed the things off the porch. Rider fell asleep on the hour drive. When they pulled up, Ed and Jules were outside. "Eddie, I'm flattered you waited but you didn't have to." Greg joked with his friend. "That's why we wear the cool pants." Their jokes flew over Dean's head. "Come on. We all know how Oli gets when we're late." Rider said. "True." They walked in and the fun was starting to begin.

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