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"Spikey, I need you to pull up the footage from the church's parking lot." Greg went into command mode. "Dean, please take Kevin home." Rider smiled at them. "But momma I want to stay with you and daddy." Kevin whined. "We'll be home as soon as we can. Please Kevin. Mom and I have to work." Greg picked Kevin up and hugged him tight. Rider hugged Dean. "I'm sorry mom." Dean whispered. "Me too." Dean and Kevin left. "Hey boss I got the footage for you." Spike had a hint of sorrow in his voice. Rider and Greg watch the footage over Spike's shoulder. "Motherfucker. It was Sam." Rider groaned. "Jules, where is he?" Wordy didn't want to scare her but he did. "He lives in an apartment on tenth. Number eight." Rider, Wordy and Ed sprang into action. They hopped into the SUV and drove. "Rider, when you get there try to talk him down. Eddie, you lethal. Wordy, back your sister with rubber bullets." Greg's voice coming over the comm helped everything. "Okay, Greg what happens if we can't talk him down?" Rider really didn't want Ed to shoot Sam. "Eddie will have to take him down." The mood got somber. Ed didn't want to shoot Sam and everyone knew it. "We are at the parking lot." Just as if Sam was expecting them an arm snaked around Rider's throat. "Sam, let Rider go." Wordy took on the negotiating job. "No, I'll go to jail and I'm not going to let that happen!" "Sammy, no one said anything about jail bud. Let my sister go and we'll talk about it." "No!" "Sam listen to him." Ed chimed in. "Shut up Ed or I'll shoot her!" "Greg, I just want you to know if something happens I love you and you are a great father to our sons. Raise the boys well." Rider felt a couple tears slide down her cheeks. "Babe, I love you and I'm glad we got married today. I will raise the boys well. They will know why their mom died." Greg's voice shook as he spoke. "Sam, please don't shoot my sister. Her kids need her. I need her. The girls need her." Wordy wasn't used to pleading for someone's life. He was used to being a less lethal and just a less lethal. Sam pushed Rider forward. She fell to her knees and felt a sting. Everything went dark again. Ed took aim and shot. Sam fell to the ground. Wordy rolled his sister over. "I need an ambulance now! He shot her in the neck!" Wordy's words hit everyone hard. The ambulance sped to the hospital and Rider was wheeled into surgery. Greg showed up with Kevin and Dean in tow. "What's going on?" Dean asked. "Mom was shot in the neck. The doctors say they can remove it and she'll be fine. Jules, I'm sorry but, Ed shot same. He didn't kill him though." Wordy filled everyone in. "Mom's going to be okay?" Dean repeated. "Yes, your mom is fine. Hi, I'm Dr. Harris and I operated on Lola. The bullet missed everything important. She's going to be out of it for a couple days. I suggest you guys go home and come back tomorrow." The doctor explained. "But I want to see momma!" Kevin whined. "Thanks doc." Wordy sent the doctor on his way. "Kev, your mom is sleeping right now and she wouldn't even know you were here. Come back with dad tomorrow and she'll be able to talk to you." Ed explained. "Fine." Kevin huffed. Dean drove them home and it was a rough night for them all.

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