Brother Sister Father and Baby?

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The dinner at the Goose was like dinner at Spike's parents house. Everyone was having a good time until, out of the corner of her eye, Rider saw her ex. Normally, she probably wouldn't freak out, but he gave her the drugs she had overdosed on. "Greg, put your arm around my shoulders." She whispered, trying not to alarm her brother. "Why?" Greg didn't understand or know what was going on. "Just please do it. I'll explain later." He did as he was told and put his arm around her shoulders. "Hey Lola? I wanted to ask you and dad something earlier, but I never got the chance to." Dean started his question. "What's up buddy?" "Could I come live with you guys for a little bit?" "Dean we'll talk about this when we get home. Okay?" "Okay dad." "Hey Lola. God, I haven't seen you in years." That was the voice she had dreaded hearing. Jeff Brooks, wasn't even her boyfriend technically they never officially dated. Anyways, things obviously ended after Rider quit the drugs. "Hi Jeff. It has been a long time." She responded. Greg had one arm around her shoulders and the other had her hand in his. "Who's this hanging on you?" "Her fiancé Greg Parker. Sargent Greg Parker. You are?" Greg had the protective tone in his voice again. "Jeff Brooks. Yeah, we were together for eight years. The best eight years of her life." Greg could feel her tense up. "Well, I'm sure Lola was happy to see you again, but we are having a family dinner, so we'd appreciate it if you left." "Okay, Sargent Greg. I'll have you back one day Lola." "You leave my mom alone!" Dean jumped up. "Dean, don't! Let me and dad take care of it!" Rider more or less yelled. "Jeff, just leave us alone. Leave our family alone." Greg was still clam but Dean and Rider were both shaking. Both for different reasons. "Fine." He walked away and Rider finally let out a shaky breath. "I thought he was a mega creep." Greg smiled at Rider. "Babe, what's wrong?" "I don't much feel like eating anymore." She whispered. "Okay. Do you want to go home?" "Yes. Dean, Greg if you guys want to stay you can stay. I can drive myself home."  "I'm okay with going home. Dean?" "That's fine. Besides, we still have to talk about that thing." Dean smiled making Rider smile. "Wordless, are meeting me to pick out stuff for the you know what tomorrow?" Rider asked her brother. "Duh, I wouldn't miss that for the world." He responded. "Good." They had one last family hug before the three took off. In the car, Greg had to ask. "What do you and your brother have planned?" "Nothing baby." "Tell me!" "No!" "Fine!" "Oh look its the house." Greg pulled the car in the driveway and unlocked the doors. They got out and went into the house. Rider and Dean sat on the counter, while Greg stood next to her. "Alright Dean, what do you need to ask us?" Rider asked, placing a hand on Greg's shoulder. "Well, I'm supposed to leave tomorrow right?" She nodded her head. "Well, I was thinking maybe its time I live with you guys for a little bit?" Both Greg and Rider were speechless. "Does your mom know?" Greg asked. "Duh, dad I just asked her the same time I did you." "No, I mean Joanne. The lady that took you away from me." "She will I just wanted to run that by you guys first." "I'm okay with it as long as Lola is okay with it." All eyes were on her. "Yeah, that's fine with me." Rider said, hopping down from the counter. "Bedtime." Greg giggled, wrapping his arms around his loves waist. "Ew! You guys are just as gross as uncle Ed and aunt Jules!" Dean exclaimed. "That's not gross. This is gross." Greg kissed Rider and shoved his tongue down her throat. Dean ran away up the stairs and they broke apart laughing. "You are so mean, Greg." Rider said as they walked up the stairs. "Eh, but you love me though." "I second that." They changed clothes and went to bed. Around three in the morning, someone was shaking Rider awake. "Yeah?" She whispered. "Its Dean. Can you come downstairs with me?" He asked. "Yeah. If I can get out of your dads grip." Carefully, Rider untangled her legs from Greg's and followed Dean downstairs. "Kitchen." Rider yawned. They went in the kitchen and sat on the countertop again. "What's up Dean?" "I had a bad dream. A dream I've had for a while. I don't know what to do." Dean was vulnerable and this was what confused Rider. Why do people, when they are most vulnerable, come to her for help? "Tell me about it. That always helps me." "You have nightmares?" "Dean, I see people and events I have seen in twenty years. My brain is a dangerous place for me." "O keep having this dream that dad will try to shove me away for a baby. She'll have black hair and blue eyes." "Dean, you don't have to worry about that. Trust me, your dad just got you back and we aren't losing you yet." "Lola, I'm glad dad has you. I'm glad I've got you." "Listen." The alarm went off upstairs and they heard Greg smack it. "Dad's up. I'll make breakfast if you make coffee?" "Deal." Rider went of work making coffee, while Dean went to work making eggs and bacon. Greg came down the stairs, in his boxers and T-shirt, looking pissed off. "What's wrong honey?" Rider asked, kissing his head. "Bad dream. Really bad dream." He replied with a yawn. "Hey dad, why don't you talk about it? It helps." Dean said, cracking the eggs in the pan. "I'm okay son. Thank you for being concerned." "I love you dad and I want to make sure you are okay." "I know son. Are you going with Lola and Wordy on their wild goose chase?"  "Yes." "Come on Dean. Off to my brother's we go. Bye babe." Greg pulled Rider in for a kiss and let go quick. "Hurry back." Greg called as they shut the door. "What are we even doing?" Dean asked. "Buying baby clothes my son." Rider replied dramatically. "Why?" "Well there's going to be a new brother, sister and family because of a baby." "Oh." They stopped outside of Wordy's house and honked the horn. Before Wordy even came out, there was a text from Oliver. Spike was back in surgery. "Wordy, we have to go back and get Greg." Rider told her brother. He asked no questions as they drove back to the house.

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