How in the Hell?

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Rider's phone went off and she knew something was wrong. "Hello?" "Rider! Please help!" Shelli screamed. "Hold on Shell." Rider put her phone on speaker. "Shell? Talk to me." Wordy looked at his sister. They shared a strange look that no one understood, but them. "He says to have the money wired to my account by eight pm or one of the girls will die! Rider! Please help!" The line went dead. "What is going on Kevin?" "Shelli said she had been getting weird calls from someone who said they know you. Each time they asked for a thousand dollars. Yesterday, they asked for five thousand." "Why didn't you ever tell me bro?" "I didn't think anyone you know would kidnap my family." "I don't know who the hell did this." "Well, I think we should get started. Ed and I will go to Wordy's house. Rider, you and Wordy go to her job. Lew and Jules, you guys go to the girls' school. We call each other if we have anything. No comm usage." Greg dictated. He put Wordy and Rider on the easiest job so they could keep focused. They splintered off into their groups. Rider's phone beeped. It was a text from Greg. "Listen bro, its from Greg. Shelli didn't go to work today. That's what her boss said. Stay safe love Greg." Rider wrote him back and laughed. "I'm surprised. If they took her before she got to work, she would've had Ally and Lily with her. KJ would be with Clark cause it's a school day." Wordy informed his sister. "I'll text Jules and tell her that." Rider sent the message and they pulled into the parking lot of the building were Shelli works. "Jules said that Ally and Lily are in class." Wordy breathed a sigh of relief. "We'll find her bro. You guys found me." Rider hated this look of pain painted on his face. "But you were still in the mall. Shelli could be anywhere." "She got the girls to school so she is around her probably." They walked into the building and people parted like the Red Sea. "Hello Mr. Wordsworth. What can we do for you?" The manager asked. "Did Shelli show up for work?" Wordy asked. "No, she called in saying KJ was sick. Is he feeling better?" "Yes, thank you sir." Wordy and Rider walked back out to the SUV. "I just text Greg saying Shelli didn't show up to work. He said Clark has KJ and Shelli was very nervous. She was not herself." "Lola, we'll find her right?" "Of course we will." Then, a gunshot rang out from the building they just left. They ran into the building and searched the floors. On the top floor they found Shelli's lifeless body. Wordy collapsed onto the floor. Rider saw something move. "SRU! Put your hands up now!" She shouted. If this was her sister in law's killer who knows what she would do. She watched him put his hands up and she walked over to him. Rider grabbed the gun out of his pocket. She slipped the zip ties over his wrist. "Sit your ass right here and don't you fucking move. I will not hesitate to shoot you. Got me?" "Yes." Rider grabbed her phone and texted Greg. "They will be here in a couple minutes bro." Wordy just nodded his head. "Where's the bad guy?" Ed was trying to make them feel better but it failed. Rider grabbed the subject and threw him at Ed. Ed left with the subject. Rider sat down next to Wordy. They both started crying hard. Greg sat next to Wordy and put an arm around his shoulders. Rider laid her head on his chest. "Come on guys. Here's what we'll do. We'll go back to SRU and you guys can get changed. We'll go get the girls and KJ and we'll have a family meeting." Greg just wanted them to pull themselves together so he wouldn't cry. As they left for SRU, something was different about Rider. Wordy knew what it was and he felt it too.

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