You're The Reason Why

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Rider woke up and grabbed her phone off the nightstand. The time read 5:50. "For the love of hell." She got up and Greg started moving. "Um? Huh? Lola?" Greg was still half asleep. "Go back to bed babe. I can't sleep." "No, come on. Let's go eat and then we'll go see Wordy." "Okay." Lola got up and changed her clothes. Greg was downstairs making breakfast. They ate in silence. Over at Spike and Oliver's house, things were odd. "Yeah, and if I had been there instead of Rider, Wordy wouldn't have been shot!" Oliver yelled. "Is this about Wordy or is this about Lew?!" Spike screamed back. "Fuck you! This has nothing to do with Lew! This is about me being incompetent as a officer!" Spike tried to pull Oliver into a hug, but he pushed him away. "I'll be back." He took the keys and left. At the hospital, Rider began to shake a little. Greg took her hand in his. "It'll be okay baby. He's a strong kid." Greg whispered to her. "I know. Its just hard." They walked into the hospital room and were surprised. Wordy was up and talking to Ally. "Wordless, what are you doing?!" Rider couldn't believe it. "Talking to my daughter." He replied. "Aunt Rider!" Ally got up and hugged Lola's leg. She picked up Ally and tossed her once. "Why don't you do me a favour and go with uncle Greg for a minute?" "Okay." "Don't worry Ally. I got some quarters, if you're nice I'll by you a pop." Greg smiled at the child. "Okay." She smiled and took Greg's hand. Rider pulled a chair up to Wordy's bed. "I didn't expect you to be up and talking bro." "Yeah, the bullet was slowed down enough by my vest that it didn't hit me. My leg was the worse one." "I thought I'd never see you again. I thought you were gone." "I was scared too sis." "Where'd you learn what you said?" "Ed. He used to say that whenever we got a lot of hot calls around Christmas time." There was a knock at the door. "Come in!" Wordy called. "Hey its Oli." "Hey Oli." "I'm gonna go check on boss and Ally." Rider stood up and kissed Wordy's head. "Auntie! Lookie! Lookie, what uncle Greg bought me!" Ally flashed the bag of Curious George fruit snacks. "Oh yummy." "Uncle Greg gave me a lot of quarters. Auntie you want me to buy you some?" "No, I'm good honey. Why don't you colour daddy a pretty picture?" "Okay." Ally was colouring and eating her fruit snacks. "I'm gonna go see my brother again." "Okay." "Ally, you you gonna be cool with uncle Greg?" "Yeah." Rider stood up and left the room. Her and Greg aren't overly affectionate especially in public. Rider went back to Wordy's room and Oliver was gone. Lola shut the door and sat back down. "Hey bro. Ally is colouring you a pretty picture. What are they giving you for your condition?" Rider hated to bring up her brothers condition, but she worries. Wordy has been being treated for Parkinson's for nearly five months. No one knew but her. Wordy wanted it kept that way. "Methatrixade. Sis, don't worry they are taking good care of me. Does Greg know?" Wordy's voice shook with worry. "No, you said you didn't want anyone to know so I haven't told anyone. I grabbed your pills out of your locker." "Thank you sis. I hate that you have to lie to your boyfriend, but it means a lot." "I know brother." There was a knock at the door. "Come in!" Greg stuck his head in the door. "Lola, we are needed at SRU. Something about contraband in a locker." He had a hint of sadness in his voice. "Okay. I'll be back Wordless." "Okay sis." Rider hugged her brother and they left. "Ally, do you need one of us to take you back to your dads room?" "No, I'm a big girl." "Okay, sweetie. Take care of your dad while I'm gone." "I will." They got into Greg's car and Rider knew. "What did you find in my locker?" She asked. "Wasn't your locker." He replied. When they pulled into the parking lot, everyone was waiting outside. "How could you?!" Jules grabbed Rider's collar. "What are you talking about?!" "How could you bring drugs into the SRU?!" "It was your locker?" Ed asked in disbelief. "No! I don't know what the hell is going on!" "Come on guys." Lt. Niels barked out. Team one followed him into the debriefing room. He slammed the steel door down. "Who's contraband is this?" He threw a bag of cocaine on the table. Rider's eyes went big. "Is it yours?" Niels spat at her. "No sir. I gave up drugs when I was a teenager." She replied, cool and calm. "How do we know you haven't relapsed?" "Do you want to drug test me?! I'm clean! Greg, you asked one time why I was staying with Kevin? Mom wanted me to stay clean after she died, so she had me live with Wordy. Shelli, she thought I was using because I was always tired, but I'm clean! What locker number?" "2175." "That's Sam's locker. Mine is 2172. Next to Kevin's." "Rider, I'm sorry. I had no idea you switched lockers. I owe you an apology." "Next time don't jump to fucking conclusions." With that she walked out of the room and left. Greg followed her outside. He found her crying. Greg wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a bear hug. "We all knew you were clean. Jules, she blew up because we didn't know anything. I love you and I'll always love you. Time to break up a fight." Oliver and Spike were in a full blown fist fight. Greg and Ed pulled Spike off Oliver while Rider yanked Oliver off the ground. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Ed crowed. "Tell them Spike! Tell them want you told me!" Oliver cried. "I just said Sam's ass was too big to be a cokeheads!" "Spike, you can't say stuff like that. Now kiss and make up or I'll hurt Babycakes." Spike and Oliver literally kissed each other and made up. If you threaten Babycakes, you can get Spike and Oliver to do anything. "We'll see you guys later." Greg put his arm around Lola's shoulders. "See you guys." They had a family hug and everyone separated to their home groups. "Hungry?" "Tired is more like it Greg." "Thank God its our day off." "I never did get my dinner date to ask questions to my hearts content." "Next week hun. Next week." By the time Greg and Rider got home, Rider was sleeping. Greg carefully carried her into the and put her to bed. All was well until one in the morning rolled around.

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