Will You Ever Shut Up?

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*Flashback* Rider's life had spiraled out of control. Wordy didn't know what to do and she was on a fast track to dying. She had become addicted to coke and heroin. Then, one day Wordy came home from his date with Shelli to find his little sister overdosing in the living room. He threw her in the back seat and drove to the hospital. She was stuck there for a month and eight days. Wordy visited her everyday and made sure she was being taken care of. When Rider got home, she quit drugs cold turkey. *Real Life* Rider and Greg just got home from the hospital. Spike has been there for a week and Oliver has not left his side. They were changing for bed when her phone rang. "What?" "You can't take my kids away! I will fight you!" Ed's inconsistent screaming brought worry to her. "Eddie, its Rider not Shopie." "Oh. Nevermind." "Ed, Greg and I are on our way over." He hung up and she knew something was up. "Come on Greg. Ed's drunk." "Yeah." They jumped in the car and drove up the street to Ed's house. They pushed the door open and Ed was laying on the couch. "He's fine." Greg whispered. "Listen babe. He's crying." Slowly, Rider walked up to the couch. "Hey Eddie. Its Rider. You want to tell me why we are here?" Greg smiled. His girlfriend was negotiating his best friend. "I didn't tell you guys to come over." Ed sniffled. "Well Eddie, can you tell me why you're drunk?" "Cause Jules is at her house. Shopie took my kids away." "Ed, would you like me to call Jules so, you can talk to her?" "Yeah." "You just have to promise me one thing. Can you do that?" "Yes." "You won't go back to the bottle like this again?" "Yes." Rider pulled out her phone and dialed Jules' number. "Hello?" Jules answered, groggily. "Hey, I'm at Ed's house and you need to speak with him." Rider handed the phone to Ed and watched him. "Hey baby. I miss you." Jules responded with something that made Ed cry. Ed handed the phone back to Rider. "Hello." "Rider, help him somehow." "I'm trying Jules." "Goodnight." "Night Jules." Rider put her phone back in her pocket. "Eddie, do you want us to stay here?" "No." "Okay. We'll see you tomorrow. Okay?" "Okay." "I love you Eddie. Take care." "I love you too. Take care." They left Ed's house and went back home. The sun was already coming up. Rider's phone went off again. "What?!" Rider was more than irritated. "Damn girl. Who made you mad?" Spike replied. "Hey Spike. How you feeling?" "Good. I got Oli curled up in my hospital bed with me. How are you guys?" "We're okay. Ed is passing out, drunk, on his couch." "He taking it that hard?" "I'll explain when we see you tomorrow. Right now my baby and I are going to bed." "Okay. See you whenever Rider." "See you Spike."' He hung up. Rider smiled at Greg and could tell he was feeling better. "How is he?" "Good. He perked up when I said we'd come see him." "Good." They walked in the house. Greg picked Rider up and carried her up the stairs. "What are you doing you dork?!" Rider squealed. "Carrying my girlfriend up the stairs and into bed. Is that okay?" He smiled at her. "I guess." He kissed her sweetly and pushed the door open. Rider leapt from his arms and into the bed. "Are you coming my heater?" "Yes." Greg climbed into bed and pulled her close. "I love you." He whispered, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "I love you too." Over at the hospital, Spike and Oliver were having a fun time. Spike just got breakfast and was eating. He was also feeding Oliver. "Oli, you know you can leave to eat." He smiled. "I know, but I'd rather eat with my cutie pie." "Smartass." "Fatass." "Hey! I know my ass is big but damn!" Lew walked in with a surprise in his arms. "Hey Lew, who's this?" "This is Oliver Spike Young." "Pretty name." "Well, I named him after my best friends." "Can I hold him?" "Duh." Lew handed Oliver the baby and watched. "Hey Spike. Maybe you and Oli should adopt a baby?" "Oli is good at this." "You'll be a great father Spikey." "I know Lew." Greg and Rider got up and the alarm clock read three thirty in the afternoon. "I want to go back to sleep." Rider groaned. "Come on. There's something I need to do." Greg sat up and pulled Rider to her feet. "What do we have to do?" "Something." "Fine." They got changed and Greg drove all over town. "Where the mother hell are we going?" Rider was getting irritable again. "You'll see. Here we are." Greg stopped out front of a jewelry shop. "Wait here." He kissed her lightly and got out of the car. Rider fiddled with the stations out of curiosity. Greg came back out and started driving again. "What are you doing?" "Just hold your water babe." "Fine." Rider put her knees on the dash and listened to the song. "After all the stops and starts we keep coming back to these two hearts. Why are we at the park?" "Come on." They got out of the car and Greg grabbed her hand. They ended up in the hospital parking lot. They walked into Spike's room and the entire team was there. "What the fuck is going on?" Greg got down one knee and took her hands in his. "Lola, I've known you for two years now and I know we've only been dating for a couple months. This is the happiest I've been in a long time. I'm asking you this because you are my light in the dark. Will you marry me?" The room was silent save the beeping of Spike's monitors. "Um, wow. Yes! I'll marry you." Greg jumped up and hugged Rider tightly. There wasn't a dry eye in the room. "Hey dad. Is this Lola?" A boy no more than sixteen asked. "Yes. Lola this is Dean." Without hesitation, Dean wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you." He whispered. "No, thank you Dean." They broke apart and everyone had a grin plastered to their faces. "To the Goose. I'm buying." Greg smiled. "What about me?" Spike called from his bed. "Sorry Spike. We'll bring you something back!" Lew called. The family was happy and now Greg finally had his prefect family.

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