Uma's Day Six

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It was day six in Auradon and most of Uma crew had been brought to join her. Day Six meant that there was still four days to go, four crew members. To her dismay Harry was still on the Isle, but to her delight so was Gil. Don't get her wrong, Uma missed Gil terribly, but knowing that they were together on the Isle gave her some comfort because she knew Gil was doing all he can to keep Harry sane. Uma knew Gil was good at reading people but she also knew Gil would only be able to contain Harry for so long. As the days went on, her worry increased. As the days went on, so did her anger. Unlike Harry, she couldn't go on a rampage to blow off some steam. She couldn't go intimidate someone to feel better. If she caused one problem it meant that no one would be coming off the Isle the next day and she would be away from Harry longer. Uma was losing her mind having to act good to get her crew back. She didn't know how much longer she could fake being good without him.  


Uma's alarm rang and the moment she turned it off, she threw it across the room. She smiled at the sound it made.

"Uma! Is everything alright?" Jake yelled through the door,

"Yeah just fine!" She lied. Her anger was winning. She wasn't thinking reasonably anymore. She didn't care anymore. She just wanted Harry back.

She got out of bed and looked out the window. She saw there was a guard walking around the school and she groaned. She couldn't sneak out of the room. She shook her head and got ready to leave. She put on ripped purple jeans and a black short sleeve shirt. She put out on her fingerless gloves and her sword belt. Taking out her sword from it's hiding place she smiled as she ran her hand over the grip. Storing the sword in her belt, she opened the door and stormed out.

"Uh, Uma," the guard began, "Where are you going?" He noticed that she was walking in the opposite direction of her first period, her most important period.

"I'm leaving," She said as she walked out a side door and began her exit of Auradon Prep.

"Why would you do that?" Jake asked.

"Because I can't take this anymore!" Uma screamed.

"Take what anymore?" Jake followed her.

"This! This being good! This being happy without the main reason I wasn't horribly miserable on the Isle!" Uma fumed. Her strides getting longer as she walked through the garden, cursing the fact that they never gave her a tour of it.

"So you want to go back?" he asked incredulously.

"If it means being with him again, then yes!" She glared over her shoulder at him and she started running, thinking that if she could cross more distance at once, she'll eventually reach the exit of it.

Jake started chasing after her. "Him who?" This is the first time she mentioned a boyfriend. He overheard her talking with her crew but never have they mentioned her boyfriend. "Uma stop!" He shouted after her.

"No!" She ran faster as she ignored his question and tried to get away from him. She had already told him too much. Turning left she stopped quickly realizing she made a dead end. Jake not knowing she stopped, turned left and slammed right into her. Uma lost her balance and was going to fall if it wasn't for Jake's quick reflexes.

He grabbed her arms and was able to put her back on her feet. Uma glared at him and shook off his hold. Jake let her go. But didn't move from her path.

"Move, or I'll make you move," she threatened.

Jake raised his eyebrow in challenge.

This time Uma could respond to the challenge. She brought out her sword, pointed it at him and smiled evilly. "Move," She demanded.

How It ContinuedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin