Chapter Four.

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Hey, first of all thank you for reading this book. It really truly means the world to me.

I think I am going to write another book that is not about one direction because some people don't like them (you know who you are) it's either going to be about 5sos or Percy Jackson.

vote, comment please? I read them all!

love ya guys,




"Tara, do you happen to know where we are?" Liam asked kindly. Will I ever get over their amazing accents?

I am usually great with directions, but now I really don't know where we are. All I can see at the moment is a bunch of trees and a road ahead of us.

"Well.... No. Sorry," I said and made a sad face. Liam did it back, which made me smile. I am having a conversation with Liam Payne. Me.

"Well, I'm going to go look for a bit of help." Harry said, stading up from his spot and brushing off his jeans. "Tara, would you like to come with me?"

"S-sure," I said, feeling honored. My face went red for some unknown reason, and Harry smirked at me.


Just a normal day, me and Tara lost in the wilderness with One Direction. Zayn kept looking at me, making me blush.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked in my most polite voice, breaking the awkward silence. Hey, sort of want them to like me. For crying out loud, they're One Direction!

"What about truth or dare?" Louis suggested, his accent in real life making me smile.

"Sure." We said simotaniously. Okay, that was a little weird.

"Okay..." I scanned our circle of people to see who I could do the truth or dare to. Niall, Liam, Zayn, or Louis?

I picked Liam. I really don't know why.

"Liam. truth or dare." I said, smirking. He raised his eyebrows. There are those little crinkles in his forehead that I love! Okay.. calm down Chloe, calm down.

"Dare." he said kind of evilly.

I had to think of a good one. I searched my brain for the perfect dare, and finally got it.

"You have to... Lick Niall's foot. Mwahahahahah." I answered, adding to his evilness.

They all stared at me with a weird face. I innocently smiled back, like nothing happened.

Niall took off his white high-tops with a sigh. Immediately a horrible smell filled up the area. The other boys must've smelled it too.

"Eew!" I exclaimed, swatting the air around me.

"God, Niall, what on Earth did you do?" Liam yells while plugging his nose, making it sound funny.

" What? I ran like a mile, what do you guys expect?" Niall said.

He took off his sock. Now I was really disgusted. This shouldnt've been a dare for Liam, but for all of us.

Niall's foot got closer to Liam's mouth, and Liam licked it.

What a wonderful day.


Me and Tara are walking down an abandoned town road, not saying a word. It feels like I always make things so awkward when I am with a girl. Especially pretty ones.

This was a stupid idea. I thought. We should've atleast worn  disguises or something.

"I'm sorry I got you into this, Tara." I say breaking the silence.

"It's okay, Harry. It's not your fault." She said, and that ended our short conversation. I loved hearing her talk.

About five minutes later, I face palmed.

"Oh my God." I said stupidly.

"What is it?" She says, looking at me and stopping in her tracks.

"I have my phone. I could call someone." Wow, am I stupid. And with that, she also face palmed.

"Me, too." she said, with a blush. Even when she blushes, she is really cute.

"I'll call Simon." I said.


I pulled out my Iphone. On speed dial I had Simon. He's kind of like our uncle in a way.

ring, ring.....

"This is Syco, who is calling?"

"Simon! This is Harry."

"Oh, hello Harry. What do you need?"

"Quite a long story. So we went out to lunch at Nandos and got swarmed by paparazzi. We ran away from them and we ran for a LONG time. And now we are lost in the South Carolinian wilderness. Would you mind picking us up?"

There was a pause.

"Sure thing, Harry. Where are you at?"

"Well... The last place I remember.being is South Haven road." I said, hoping that was right.

"Okay, I will be there in a few."

"Thanks Simon. You're the best."

"Anytime Harry. Goodbye." The call ended. Finally we are safe!

"We should get back to the boys and Chloe." Tara said, pointing her.finger behind us.



"Tara! Harry! You're back!" Niall yelled and came running to us.

"We thought you got eaten by bears," Zayn said and laughed along with Chloe.

"Did you find anybody?" Niall asked impatiently and energetically. He always acts this way when he's hungry.

"No, but Simon is coming to pick us up." I said. Out of nowhere, came and gave me a big hug.

"Niall, are you hungry?" I asked, and He nodded hyperly.

"Guys, I think Niall's gone crazy!" Tara shouted, earning a laugh from all of us.


I am hungry and thirsty and tired, but my most importantly, I want to meet Simon cowell!

He basically made my life. I am seriously not overreacting at all.

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