Chapter Thirteen.

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First of all, my marathon wasn't really a marathon, I just uploaded one chapter and an authors note. sorry : /

Oh and sorry it took another day to upload another.

I am mad right now. I would've updated sooner, but when I was going to update, IT DELETED THE WHOLE CHAPTER!!

But anyways, vote, comment, etc. (:



We bolted through the double doors as fast as we could, though I still have no idea why. I think it was a good thing that Chloe grabbed me there, or else some paparazzi would be hiding behind some bushes and would get the whole thing on video. That's a news story that nobody wants to hear.

"Why are we going so fas- Ooh! Starbucks!" I asked.

I am the definition of a white girl. But it smelled so good.

"We are going to be late for our flight!" she said hurridley. Since when is she the boss of that?

"Um...Chlo? It's only 7:45." I said. I let her look at my phone time.

"Our flight leaves at 8:30."

she face palms.

"I thought it left at 7:50." She quickly turned a light shade of crimson. Crimson, not red. There's a difference.

We walked back to the boys, who just stared at us like lunatics. Well, not that they aren't ones.

"Not my fault." I said, putting my hands up in surrender. I walk past Harry, and give him a guilty smile.

"This way!" Paul said. Paul Higgins. Is it weird to be excited about that?

I heard someone walk up from behind. Harry loosely put his arm around me. I tried my best to stay calm, but it didn't work very well.

Niall joined in. Soon enough, Zayn, Louis, Liam, and Chloe joined in also. The best part was that I could smell each and every one of them, and tell who was who. Okay, that was beyond the level of weird.

we walked down the enormous airport halls. Soon we were escorted by a flight attendant into a private room.

We all sat down in the comfy seats.

"Would you like something to drink?" a guy out of nowhere again asked.

"Yeah, I'll have a strawberry smoothie, please."

"Mocha, please."

"Just a regular coffee,"

"Same here."

"Chai latte, please."

"Iced coffee, that's about right."


"Be right back." And with that, the management guy left. Now it was just me, Chloe, the boys, and Paul.

Well this is awkward. the only solution to awkwardness these days is a phone. We all pulled out our phones and started playing on them. classic teenagers.

that makes me sad. me and Chloe were the only teenagers left in here.

"I'm back!" the guy said while he held a bunch of cups in brown container. Wow, that was fast. I guess he's used to working under pressure, especially for a world-famous boyband.

He started passing out the drinks, which looked absolutely delicious. I noticed no one was saying thanks to the poor guy. That is until he came to me.

"Thank you! Very very much! Um..."


"Oh. Thanks Cody!"

I like that name.


"the flight to New York, gate 22-b departs in five minutes. Area A may start boarding." The speaker said.

"That's us." Paul said. I'm so excited, cause I've never been to New York before, or any big city for that matter.

We walked to gate 22-b. We weren't late, which is always good.

I almost ran into this cute little lady.

"Free sample?" she asked, holding out a tray of chocolate-covered strawberries from Godiva. Okay, there is no way you could ever pass up free samples to overpriced things.

"Sure! Thanks!" I said as I grabbed one and walked off. Since when are there free samples at an airport? All year-long shamrock shakes, now this? I am never leaving!

I am kidding.

We got to gate 22-b.

"The flight to New York is leaving shortly." The now annoying lady on the loudspeaker said.

Once we got in the general area of the gate, Paul started talking.

"Everyone have their passport?"

We all took out our passports from our pockets. Thank god I remembered mine.

We showed our passports to the flight attendant, and went onto the plane. There was a flight attendant at the end of the narrow hall.

"One Direction?" she barely whispered. I think that this one is my favorite one of all the flight attendants.

They are everywhere. The invasion of the evil flight attendants! I should write a book. Or have someone write it for me. I'm too lazy. Yeah, that's good.

"Yes, ma'am."

"This way, please."

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