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Somehow in the back of my mind, I knew Harry would not forget about me. Because his tremendous love for me and mine for him was real, and I could feel it. It wasn't another high school romance that was forgotten almost instantly, it was true love.

I love Harry with all of my heart, I really do. Nothing that special to both of us could just fade away. The memories of this summer will be forever embedded in my mind. But, if this little romance doesn't work between us, I will always remember Harry as my first true love. And I will never forget it for as long as I live.






*Four years later*



As I watched him walk off the plane, my heart nearly burst. Today is the day that I have been looking forward to for a long time.

His eyes finally found me and he lockes his with mine. They immediately lit up brighter than the sun as he started to run at me, dropping his luggage on the airport floor.

I ran too, and he pulled me into a warm embrace. Tears spilled out of my eyes. I have been waiting four months to see his smiling face. Those many long lonely nights of longing for him have payed off. He is here, with me.

"I've missed you so much." I cried, not daring to let go. My legs were wrapped around him, my face buried in the crook of his neck. All around us I see people giving us weird looks, but I didn't care the slightest bit.

"You too, love." He said in my ear, making me smile. I pull away so I am facing him, my face probably bright red and my makeup running out of my eyes. He grew his hair out, so his curls are tossled messily around his face. He had some stubble around his mouth, but he still looked as handsome as ever.

He kisses my forehead gently, making my heart flutter.

"You look beautiful." He says raspily, smiling.

I still get the best feeling inside when he compliments me. My heart beats really fast, and my smile just won't go away.

"Thanks Harry. You look beyond handsome." I smile. Even after after a nine-hour plane ride, he still seems happy and ready to go somewhere. He is never impatient or angry around me, and I love it.

I realize that we were just standing there staring at each other in the middle of a crowded airport. My cheeks flushed, and we started to walk. He took my hand in his.

One question raced through my mind.

Where on earth are we going?



Harry turns the steering wheel, driving my car. I offered to drive, but he insisted that he should. He is always such a gentlemen.

I saw in the distance that same arena that my first ever concert was at. It seems impossible that that was almost four and a half years ago.

To put it simple, that one night changed my life completely.


"So, what is your name?" Harry asked, smiling at me while holding his microphone. The screaming intensified just from Harry talking.

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