Chapter Nineteen.

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I sat next to Harry on the comfy couch. We watched Liam and Louis play Mario kart. Liam won every single time, and Louis asked for like 20 rematches.

"Tara?" Harry asked.


"Can I ask you something?"

"Do you mind if we go out into the hall?" Why does he have to be so polite?!

"Sure Harry. I don't mind."

Chloe seemed to know what was going on. She held out her pinkie. This is what we always do. I locked her pinkie with mine, and let go. Her eyes seemed to be telling me:

Go for it.

We tried not to make a scene, but leprechauns have senses like a hawk.

"Where are you two going?" Niall asked.

"Just out into the hall. I need to ask her something." Smooth, Harry.

He just shrugged it off and continued watching Liam conquer Louis. Poor Louis.

We walked out of the comfy dressing room and out into the hall. They were pretty boring, with the plain white concrete walls, except for the occasional poster. Coldplay is coming in august?! I didn't know.

Harry stopped. I leaned my back against the wall. We are close. A little too close.

"Would you consider.... maybe going out with me tomorrow night?"

So this is what it feels like to be asked out by Harry Syles. I have only been asked out once before, and I am seventeen. I shuddered. I let that memory slip out of my mind.

I didn't have a boyfriend, so why not?

"Sure. I would love to." I said and smile. My face heated up.

Harry smiled. Not just a normal smile. A smile that could light up the world. His dimples, his perfect white teeth, his dazzling green eyes....

I snapped out of it when I heard something.

"Harry! There you are!" Around a corner came a petite lady, around 25. She had a plain maroon polo shirt, black jeans, and all-black converse. She had waist-length brown hair, and brown eyes with chunky glasses. She was wearing a headset, so I was guessing she was from management.

"A taxi will be escorting you to your hotel. Your friend is already in it." she said politely.

"Thanks! Um..."



Miranda took harry down the hall. I went the opposite way. I jumped into the taxi.



I couldn't sleep that night. I kept thinking of Harry. Does he really want to go out with me? Or does he just want to because he thinks I'm pretty or something? Celebs can be hard to have a relationship with. You get a lot of hate, like Chloe did. I haven't known him for long, about a month. It seems so much longer though, like I have known them my whole lifetime.

This is useless.

I got out of my bed, and walked to the main living room. This hotel was bigger than the last. Me and Chloe still had two separate bedrooms, but they are bigger, and have master bathrooms connected to each instead of just one.

I sat down at the dining table. It had eight seats. 

I got out my laptop. Hello, twitter.





"Tara!" I faintly heard.

"Huh?" I opened my eyes. OH. MY GOSH. Again?!

"You fell asleep on twitter." Chloe said, trying not to laugh.

"This happens to  me too often." I mumble. I checked the time. 10:00. Wow. I never sleep in this late!

Today is the fourth of July. Then I remembered that I have a date with Harry tonight. I wonder if he is going to do something special for that.

The door burst open and two people came in. I could barely register who it was before they both trample me.

"Good morning sunshine's!" a familiar voice shouted. Louis.

"It was a good morning before you knocked me off my feet!" I said, laughing.

"So, what was that for exactly?" Chloe asked.

"I dunno. Fun!" Niall said.

"Anyway, we are going to be recording songs all day today." Louis said.

"But we'll still have time for your date with Harry," Niall commented with a smirk. Why Niall, why.

"How come I didn't know about this?!" Chloe demanded.

I gave her the lamest excuse ever.

"I was tired."

"So yeah." Louis said.

"Okay!" I said happily and pushed the two out the door. This was going to be a fun day.




"Man, I am EXHAUSTED!!' I yelled to no one in particular as I unlocked the hotel door.

"Don't forget your date with Harry!" Chloe said excitedly as she walked in behind me.

"We have to pick out your clothes, how to do your hair, your makeup, your accessories....." This went on for a while.

"Okay. We only have an hour and a half. We better get going. I'll see what I have." I said and opened my closet to the endless possibilities.

After ten minutes of looking, I finally decided what I was going to wear. I am wearing a Short-sleeve knee-length dress that is black with a floral pattern on it. I figured it might be cold, so I added a thin black button-down to it. I slipped on my black Keds.

I curled my hair and put on my makeup, and put on my infinity bracelet.

There was a knock at the door. I took a deep breath. Why am I nervous?

I looked in the mirror one last time and went to open the door.

Harry was wearing a white shirt with a black jacket, black jeans, and black boots. Just like he always does. but it looks good on him, so I'm not complaining.

"Tara......" he looked at me, "you look beautiful."


"Thanks, Harry," I said while smiling.

"Ready to go love?" He asked.

"Yep. Just gotta get my phone." I grabbed it off the coffee table right by me. I closed the door, and took his hand. They were so soft, like I was meant to hold them.


"Harry, where are we going?" I asked as we walked down the busy Las Vegas strip.

"You'll see." he answered with a cheeky grin. I have always loved his smile.

Soon we entered a park. We walked through and stopped next to a little lake. Harry pulled out a blanket and set it down.

We both sat down. So what exactly are we going to do?

"It's beautiful out here." I said to break the silence. He put his arm around me.

"Yeah. It'll get More beautiful in a moment." and,  as if on cue someone yelled,

"Let the show begin!"

I didn't know what was happening, but I quickly found out. Streams of light shot into the dark sky. They exploded and made a loud popping sound. It was a mix of red, white, and blue. Fireworks.

"Did you plan this?" I asked Harry while I smiled. He nodded.

"Happy Fourth of July, love."

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