Chapter Nine.

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drumroll please...

* silence *

ahem! where's my drumroll?!

* weirded -out drummer does drumroll *


yep, I am weird. we can all agree, cant we? * does Irish jig *

hehe :)

and dont forget to vomment!





I walk into my moms office cautiously in the basement.

"Mom?" I asked kind of quietly. She looked up from her Mac, rubbing her eyes.

"Yes, sweetie?"

I have been trying to hold off this exact conversation since Monday. It is now Friday. My parents are leaving this Sunday morning, and One Direction are leaving Monday morning. should I tell her the truth, or should I just say that I am staying with Chloe?

"Y-You know how I went to that One Direction concert last friday?"

"Yeah?" If you haven't noticed, I decided to tell the truth. I'm just telling you now, I am not a good liar. The last time I tried, I ended up being grounded for two weeks and my phone taken away. That's not happening again, for sure.

I told her the whole thing, beginning to end. I guess you could say that I really trust my mom.

I told her everything from them calling me up at the stage at the concert, to when we met at Starbucks and they asked if me and Chloe could come with them on the rest of the tour. Just that took almosf ten minutes.

The whole time she listened. If my daughter got invited to go on tour with the biggest boyband in the world, I would've been pretty excited. But that's just me.

"And they are leaving this Monday morning. I already said that I would go."

she smiled. I mentally sighed in relief.lo

"who knew that this could happen. Well, you better start getting packed. Is Chloe going too?"

"Yeah, she texted me and said that her aunt said yes about an hour ago."


"Thank you so much, mom,  for..... believing me." I said. I honestly thought that she wouldn't believe me at all. I barely believe myself.

"you're welcome sweetie." she said, and I leaned in and hugged her. I ran up the stairs and did a little happy dance. I AM GOING ON TOUR WITH ONE DIRECTION!!

I walked upstairs and started to pack. How many suitcases do you need for a whole summer?

I turned the radio on that I have on my bedside table. The A Team by Ed Sheeran came on.

I packed practically my whole wardrobe as I listened to the slow beat of the song.




I collapsed on the floor. FINALLY I am done packing. It's been two hours.

I heard my moms voice. "Tara, are you done?"

"Yeah!" I yelled back. I look behind me, and see that my closet and dresser are completely empty, to that last tank top.

I have three outfits on my floor picked out for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Watch out, I'm kind of a neat freak.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the last song on the radio end, bringing the most annoying voice in the world right to my room.

"This is 100.4 HMT!" the radio guy boomed.

"This next song I bet a lot of people will like. Their concert was awesome last Friday!" And with that, the firmiliar sound of the electric guitar came on.

It was Kiss You.

This is officially my favorite song IN THE WORLD.

After the song and my mini dance party was over, I went downstairs to eat some dinner.

I had leftover pizza, salad, and a Pepsi. It's not very fancy, but good enough for me.

Plus I'm not a good cook.

Out of nowhere, Live While Were Young started playing from my pocket. I realized that that was my ringtone. I whipped my cell out of my pocket.

incoming call from:

Harry loves you!

I blushed looking at that, not realizing that that's what he set his contact as. My heart sped up, and I had to take a breather before I could answer the phone.

I tried to act natural.

That failed miserably.

"H-Hey Harry!!" I made an inhuman noise and covered my mouth. Hopefully my mom can't hear me and see my face, which is tomato red at the moment.

"Tara! hows it going babe?" I smiled when I heard his voice, and it sounded happy. Just that made me happy, too.

"I'm great. W-What about you?"

"Amazing. Are you busy?"

"Not at all. I just finished dinner."

"Cool. Do you happen to have a Skype?"

I could practically see him grinning through the phone. My breathing sped up to the point where I felt like I was going to pass out.

"Yes! It's Tara underscore Wilson."

"Okay, brilliant. The boys and I will call you, if that's alright with you?"

"Okay! Go right ahead." I smile, trying to keep my cool.

"Awesome. Thanks Tara." I almost have heart attack, him saying my name in his British accent.

"No problem Harry, Goodbye!"

He hung up. I bolted up the stairs and grabbed my laptop. I logged into Skype and waited anxiously. Shortly after, they call. I click the accept button immediately.

"Hi boys!" I say, happier than Pharrell Williams when I see all five of their smiling faces.

"Hi Tara!"

We talked all night. The last thing I remember were my eyelids slowly shutting.

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