Chapter Twenty Two.

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How are you today? I am just GRAND, thank you for asking!

Thank you SO MUCH for the 348 reads!! This book has gone so far from when I first started it. Now, I cant IMAGINE not writing Strong!

Sorry for the slow update! I have been busy editing the other chapters ;)

Sorry, this is kind of a short chapter. But here you go!

Thank you lovelies!



Niall opens the glass door and comes out on the porch with his bare feet.

" you guys might want to see this."



I exchanged a look with Harry. What could it be? Whatever it is, it better be important.

We followed barefoot niall into another door. It was two doors down from mine. On the right of mine was chloes, and hers was the end. The one on my left was Harry's, and we went into the next one.

The room was the same exact setup as mine, but was navy blue instead of purple.

Liam, zayn, Louis, and Chloe were sitting on the bed, staring at the TV screen.

Me, Harry, and niall plopped on the floor in front of the giant king-sized bed.



I still cant believe it. I just had my first kiss with Tara.

The TV interrupted my thoughts.

" did Harry styles find a new girl?" The anchorman boomed. Yes, yes I did.

" Harry styles and some mystery girl was spotted outside the mall this afternoon, holding hands."

I cringed. It got onto the news.

A video popped up from the TV.  There were two people walking out of the mall, with a bunch of people around. They were both wearing sunglasses, so you couldn't see who they were. That was me. There was that annoying girl with shoulder length black hair, black dress, blue Jean jacket, and black boots. She was not Tara.

" is this some kind of sick joke?" Niall says.

I look over at Tara, and I see an expression that I have never seen on her before. She looks angry, almost jealous.

She forcefully lets go of my hand.

I made a big mistake.

She runs out of the room.



How could he do this to me?


I thought he loved me. I really did. And I loved him.

I ran to my room and slammed the door shut. Then the tears came. I covered my face with my hands and weeped into them.

How could I be so STUIPID?! he even said it himself that he loved me. Well that was just a big ass lie.

I don't know how I am going to spend the rest of the summer with him. I just don't know.

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