Chapter Thirty Two.

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First things first:

Ok I am soooooo so sorry for not updating. I feel awful, truly. Life just got in the way I guess....

So school started again. Ugh. I will try to update every friday or sunday, depending how busy I am :)

And 3 major things happened since I last updated:

-Liam turned 21 on August 29th!! Happy birthday batman! Ily to the moon and back :)

-Harry's grandma passed away. Rest in Peace Nanny Styles<3:,,,)

-very VERY exciting news: FOUR, 1D's FOURTH ALBUM ( ik, they grow up so fast :,,( ) is available for preorder!!! And fireproof; a song on the album, was available for free download on monday!! It sounds amazing, and I am so proud of them for all the hard work they have put into the album:) It comes out in November!! :D

So a lot has happened since I last updated.... Sorry if this is a really long authors note:/

Shoutout to @pocketsizedlarry for following!

And thank you for the 3k! You are all amazing x

Song: Weightless by All Time Low:D

Stay Strong,




Harry and I stopped right in our tracks, my eyes growing as wide as golf balls. I nervously glanced over at him to read his expression. One word could describe what he was probably thinking in his head at the moment:


Harry slowly turned around, and I followed his movement, curious yet frightened at who said that behind us. So much for a 'relaxed' evening. From me getting dumped into the ocean to this, I don't think it's in my top ten.

On the ground I saw the water tracks Harry and I left behind while walking, and standing right in the middle of them was a large, and scary-looking man. He had short brown hair utop his almost-bald head, a scruffy beard, blue jeans, a black uniform shirt with a label on it, and a big flashlight shining right in our faces. When we walked closer to get a glimpse of the guy that I already hate, I faintly saw his nametag in big black capital letters:


After what felt like hours of plain, awkward silence, the security man with the blinding flashlight finally broke it.

" I will ask you two again. What are you doing here after dark, soaking wet?!" He pressed, obviously close to losing his temper.

" Well, you see-"

" I saw this girl here," Harry interrupted, but I was grateful. He gestuered with his hands to me." I saw her fall off the dock back there, so I jumped in and saved her." He said simply.

What he said made me feel stupid, but it was the only excuse I could think of, and apparently Harry also. The guard turned his gaze on me, and scowled.

" And how did you manage to fall in?" He barked in an impatient tone. Now this guy was really starting to get annoying. Why was he so mad at us? For whatever stupid reason that was, I was getting angry.

" I slipped," I answered through clenched teeth. Harry must've felt my anger practically bubbling up inside me, because he stepped over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

Surprisingly, the man turned off his flashlight. I resisted the urge to sigh in relief, because that thing was bright. I was kind of surprised he didn't mention the plastic bag that was still wrapped around my arm.

" Go home!" He shouts, and unexpectedly turns around to start walking the other way. He walked all the way to the harbor master office. When he got to the door, he looked back to see us still standing there, scowled, and slammed the door.

I let out a long breath that I had no idea I was holding in. I heard Harry chuckle softly as he slipped his hand in mine, intertwining our fingers.

" Come on, love," Harry remarked, pulling me along with him as he started walking. " Before the lads get worried."


* 1.5 weeks later *


I glanced out the window, and saw the many various trees of the Michigan wilderness whoosh past my eyesight like a bullet.

We just got off the plane at the Detroit airport, and there were a lot of fans waiting for us right there in the halls. It kind of reminded me of Seattle, just a little bit. Even though there were fans everywhere and they wouldn't stop following us until we got in the car and drove away, it was definately better than Seattle. From that expirience, I never want to go to that city again.

We have been working non-stop for the past two weeks. From show rehearsals to recording in the studio, to actually watching them play at shows, we barely had time to take a break from anything. The boys flew to LA for marketing stuff a couple days ago, and it felt weird not see them for that long. I wasn't even used to not seeing them for eight hours. Then it hit me; summer is almost over. In a couple of weeks, me and Chloe have to go home and start school again. We will have to leave the boys, and they will go on the rest of the tour without us.

The more I thought about that, the sadder I became. I didn't realize I was actually tearing up until Liam checked on me.

" Tara, are you alright?" He asks kindly as he looks at me straight in the eyes, his expression looking concerned. Even though my vision was blurry, I could still see that he was worried about me. I was glad that his black eye cleared up, because I would never forget that first time when I saw him, and Chloe explaining to me what happened. I wish she would've told me sooner; preferably when me and Harry were in Disney World.

" Yeah, I'm fine," I respond, wiping my tear-filled eyes with the back of my sweater. " Just the thought of having to leave you guys soon makes me sad."

His expression turned sad, just like mine.

" Yeah. It's amazing how fast summer goes by." He says, glancing out the tinted tour bus window. " But we'll have to make the most of it."

I nodded my head, agreeing that we have no time to waste, and we still have time to do things before school starts again. Summer is not ovet yet.

" Did I tell you that we're taking a break?" He asks while raising his eyebrows, making crinkles in his forehead.

" Really?" I sit up in my seat. A break from all this chaos is music to my ears.

" Yeah. For four days, we're going to stay at a place Up North called 'Fester Boat Works'." He says, sounding excited. He smiled, which made me smile; like it's contagious. " It's a really beautiful place, plus its right on the water." My eyes widen.

" That sounds amazing, Liam. How long will it take to get there?" I ask, hoping it won't take too long; It sounds like paradise.

" About three hours," he replied, checking his phone.

" Awesome," I say, leaning back in my seat. Liam goes back to his seat in between Zayn and Louis, who are both listening to music.

That gives me an idea.

I take my wad of earbuds out of my sweater pocket, hook it up to my phone, and let the rest of the world drown out as I listen to the slow beat of Fix You by Coldplay.

Lights will guide you home,

And ignite your bones,

I will try,

To fix you

My music gets quieter as I slip out of consciousness more and more, suddenly realizing how tired I am. The relaxing wave of sleep slowly takes over me.

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