Chapter Seven.

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"Harry! Harry!" I hear my name being called. It was Louis, and he was running straight towards me at the speed of light. Well, not exactly the speed of light but you know what I mean. There is one thing I could tell you about Louis Tomlinson, and that was that he could run. I braced myself for impact of the Tommo.

He landed on top of me, ending up with both of us crashing to the ground on the hotel floor. My back ached; apparently I was getting old.

"Ow! Lou? What was that for?!" I say with rage, fixing my hair as I sit up from the floor. He still is on top of me. I push him off, earning a frown from him.

"Sorry Haz, I'm just excited. We're meeting Tara and Chloe at Starbucks at 4!" He shouted, standing up like it was no problem. My heart rate sped up, and I smiled.

I get to see Tara again, I thought. I wonder if she wants to see us. All of the boys seem to like her, and Chloe too. I am seeing a little crush on Zayn's part for her. It was cute; as far as I know, he hasn't felt like that with anyone for a long time.

"Are we going to tell them if they want to come with us on tour?" I asked. We talked about this before, and we all partially agreed on it. It sounds really crazy, but they aren't just other fans that we wouldn't mind to just let go. And believe me, there are not a lot of them. These two girls seem different somehow, like it would hurt all of us if we just forgot about them.


"Great. I'll get ready." I said. He ran out of the room, screaming Zayn's name. I checked my phone, and it is 3:30.


The car turned into the starbucks parking lot. We were all wearing disguises, just in case. We did not want to make that mistake again.

These nerd glasses are annoying me. I laughed at Niall's disguise. He was dressed as the old security guy he did to prank the fans at a concert once. Now that I think about it, that was not a good disguise.

We walked in the door as quietly as possible, and nobody turned around to look at us. Surprisingly, no one even gave us a second glance.

We all sat down at a table in Starbucks and waited for Tara and Chloe to get here. Two minutes later, they came in the door. I got really excited when they came, and I don't even know why.

Tara was wearing a black and white striped medium-sleeved shirt with a mint skater skirt, and Chloe was wearing dark wash short shorts with a teal sleeveless shirt. They both look beautiful, in my opinion.

Tara looked around and put her eyes on us, looking weirded out. Then I remembered: She was looking at nerds and an old security guard.

Then Tara started laughing and nudged Chloe. They both walked over to us.

"Nice outfits." Tara said, obviously holding back a laugh.

She sat next to me on the end. Chloe sat next to Zayn.

"Hey Harry..." Tara said.

"Hi babe. You look nice." I said, underexagerating the truth.

"Thanks." she said, blushing. It was the thing when she blushed..

We got up from our seats, and went up to the long line.

"Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get you?" A lad in a green apron asked me as I got to the front.

I tried my American accent, which wasn't very easy. "Yeah, I'll have a chai latte... uh... dude."

Next to me, I heard Tara snicker. I turned to her.

"Sorry," She laughs, smiling innocently.

"And your name?" The lad, that I realized that his name was Jon from his nametag, asked. Were they trying to kill me?

"Um... Terrance." I tried to say confidently. Hey, I couldn't think of anything. Atleast I didn't say Terrrrrrance.

Why does Starbucks have to take so long all the time? We waited for 5 minutes. It doesn't sound like long, but it is when you are dressed like a nerd; Just saying.

"A chai latte for...... Terrance?" the confused worker said.

Liam snickered. Everyone wants to laugh at me today apparently.

"That's for you, lad." He said.

I walk up to the counter, which seemed like a mile away. Everyone was staring at me. Is Ferrance not a normal name in America? I already know the answer to that.

I took my latte from the counter and sat down with the boys, Tara, and Chloe.

The boys and I exchanged glances when they wernt looking. I guess it's time.

I cleared my throat, stopping Tara from taking a sip of her frappacino.

"Umm.... Can we ask you guys something?" Zayn asked, smiling nervously. Was it getting hot in here?

"Sure, and I do too." Tara said. I crossed my fingers under the table for good luck. Now that I think about it I really like her. I don't want to lose her, but what if she says no?

"You don't have to say yes," Zayn responded.

Please say yes, please say yes...

"But.... Okay, I'm just going to say it. Do you and Chloe want to come with us on the rest of the Take Me Home tour?"

Tara's mouth dropped open in shock. It felt like everything and everyone went silent for just that moment. She placed her gaze on me, and somehow making me blush. Her bright blue eyes and long dark brown hair made her look like and angel. She was blushing, too.

"You wont believe this, but I was going to ask the same thing to you. Oh my god," She was speechless, and so was Chloe.

"My parents are going on a business trip that's lasting the whole summer, and I needed someplace to stay."

Did those words seriously just come out of her mouth?

"So, yes?" Niall asked, and I was surprised he wasn't stuffing his face with muffins that cost four dollars each. I don't mind paying for them at all, though.

"Of coarse!" she said excitedly, her face lighting up. Mine lit up too, and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Yes!!" Liam yells.

We did a huge seven person group hug while being stared at once again. You know, we're just four nerds, an old security guard and a two pretty girls having a group hug in the middle of Starbucks, it's completely normal.

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