Chapter Twenty Three.

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Okay so I have decided to have a theme song for every chapter. The theme song for this chapter: Home by Philip Philips :)

Shoutout time! Shoutout to @melissastyles20 for adding my book to her reading list! Tysm!

If you want a shoutout, DM me in my inbox, or comment!

Here is chapter 23;)




I woke up. I rolled over to the other side and almost had a heart attack.

And I'm like ow!

Your giving me a heart attack

Looking like you do-oo.......

I am way too obsessesed with them. You would think that you would become less obsessed with them when you know them all personally, but not me.

Zayn was right there. Then I remembered that he came to sleep with me last night because of the nightmare I had. I shuddered at the thought.

I swear, I do not deserve such a great boyfriend like zayn. He is so sweet, and he would do anything for me.

His eyes were closed, and he had a little smile on his face. I smiled at that.

I shifted a little, trying not to wake him up, but it did not work. His big brown eyes slowly opened.

" good morning, love," he said sleepily.

" morning, zayn."

" any more nightmares?" He asked.

" none."

" good." He reached over and planted a soft kiss on my forehead.

There was a knock on the door.

" come in!" I sang.

It was Tara.

" Chloe, breakfast is downstai-" she stopped.

" zayn?" She said confusingly. " why are you in here?"

" oh. I heard Chloe screaming last night. She had a nightmare, so I came to sleep with her."

Tara looked relieved.

" good. I thought you did, you know...."

I turned bright red. I looked over, and zayn was blushing, too.

I nervously laughed.

" okay. Well be down in a few."



Well THAT was awkward. I walked down the stairs and proceeded to the kitchen. Wait, which kitchen?

I walked by both. They were in the first one. Thank God, less walking.

" good morning, tarabear!" Louis says.

" morning, boobear!"

Atleast its not terra cotta.


The hardest part of the day: deciding what to wear. Especially if you have enough clothes for 104 days.

I decided to wear a black tank top and blue-grey button down shirt with front pockets on top, and black leggings with my Keds.

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