Chapter Twenty One.

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I looked out the big bus windows.

Chula Vista: 40 miles.

I sighed. I don't get how the boys don't get bored being in tour buses all the time.

" want to play cards?"

I turned around in the comfy leather seats. It was zayn.

" sure." I said, happy to do something other than sit around.

Chloe, Harry, and Liam were already at the table. Louis and niall were passed out on the couch. They look so cute when they're asleep :)

I sat down next to Harry. He smiled. There are those dimples that I have been dying to see.

" so... what do you want to play?" I asked no one in particular.

" can we play spoons?" Chloe suggested.

" no." Liam responded immediately after.

" why no- oh....." Chloe seemed to get it. I didn't know if he was really scared of spoons or if he was faking it. Apparenlty not.

" I forgot you were scared of spoons."

" sp sp sp...... spoons"

Me and Chloe laughed.

" um.. forks?" I asked.

Liam chuckled. " sure."

I went to the kitchen part of the bus. I opened the drawer with the silverware in it. There were forks and knives, but no spoons. Liam must've disposed of them >.<

Lock your doors

Check your drawers

The terrible horrible spoons....


The bus pulled into a long paved road. At the end there was an enormous house.

" we're staying there?" I stutter.

" yeah. You'll really like it." Harry said. I guess that they have come here before.

It is a peach colored house with an olive roof. It was two stories, from what I could see.

" Tara, can you go wake up niall and Lou?" Liam asked.

" sure." I said and smiled evilly. Payback time.

I jumped on Louis.

" time to get up!" I yelled in his ear.

" ow! okay... okay. OKAY! I'm up!" He said as I kept jumping on him. Oh, sweet revenge.

Niall was my next victim. I jumped on him, too.

immediately he woke up.

" Tara?!" He asked. " what are you doing?!"

" jumping on you, what the hell's it look like?" I said, once again quoting Louis from the video diaries.

" hey! That's my line!" Louis said angrily while getting his Vans on with no socks.

The bus stopped, indicating it was time to get off.

Finally, after 5 and a half hours.



"I call this room!" I yelled as I ran down the huge corridor. This place is MASSIVE.

Already, I have seen a living room, two kitchens, four bathrooms, and an indoor pool. When I walked up the stairs, I saw this room.

I walked into my chosen room. It has a king-sized bed, two nightstands with a lamp on each side, a dresser with a flatscreen TV on it, a desk, and a slideglass door with a porch overlooking the backyard.

But the best part about it was that it was all purple. It is so beautiful, I could cry. I took a picture of it. I couldn't help myself.

I opened the sliding glass doors. The porch was very long. As I looked to the left, I saw that there were six other doors leading out to the porch. That must mean that each of us have our own room.

The sun was setting. Another day gone, I thought. I remember when me and Jason would catch fireflies on warm summer nights.. I miss them. Jason, mom, dad.....

I was interrupted by the sound of a sliding glass door opening. Harry walked out.

He stood next to me, looking over the backyard.

" are you alright?" He asked.

" yeah, I'm fine. Just a little homesick."

His expression changed from worried to sad. He was feeling homesick, too. I would be if I only got to see my family three or four times a year.

" yeah. Me too." He said sadly as he gazed into the distance.

We stayed there for a while. Just us two, silent, with no distractions.

I shivered. It feels like the temperature dropped 20 degrees.

" do you want my jacket?" He asked kindly.

" yeah. I'm a little cold." He took off his jacket and placed it around my shoulders. I instantly felt better.

" Harry?"

" yeah, babe?"

" when you said that I was beautiful on our first date, did you mean it?"

He paused, as if thinking it through.

" when you first came up from the audience at the concert, I knew there was something special about you. I know you might think that you were just another fan, but I don't. You are beautiful ,Tara, and I want to be with you."

No one has ever said that to me before, and I am grateful that they are from the guy that I want to be with.

" I want to be with you too, Harry, but what if it doesn't work out? What if I never see you again after-"

Before i could finish, His lips smashed into mine. All the undecided feelings in my heart melted away. It felt perfect. Everything in the world. Perfect. I have never felt this way with anyone ever before.

I heard footsteps. Harry heard them too because he let go of me. I feel like a piece of me has been lost.

Niall opens the glass door and comes out on the porch with his bare feet.

" you guys might want to see this."

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