Chapter Thirty Four.

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have a good day everyone x

Song: Unpredictable 5SOS :-)

Shoutout: andrea_martinez88

Stay Strong,




Chloe and I walked down a cement sidewalk next to a closed pool. There was a clubhouse on the other side with dim lights on the inside. I peered in the little building, and It looked quite cozy. I might have to stop by there before we leave this place in a couple of days.

We turned a corner, and the ground changed to a wooden boardwalk as we looked out to see a large lake. The marina was larger than I thought; atleast two times bigger than the one in Miami.


" Just step down onto this ledge," Kenny instructs as we both stand on the tiny wooden dock. He has music blasting from his speakers, making it hard to hear what he is saying.

I follow Kenny's instructions and step down onto the white ledge, making the boat rock as I have my full body incapitated into the small speed boat. I wonder how we are going to fit all seven of us on here, plus Kenny and Steve's wife and kids.

I sit on one of the long booths above the boat, and put my hands in my sweatshirt pocket. Surprisingly, I thought Michigan would be colder than this. It is Michigan, after all.

I lean back in my seat, and watch as the rest of the passengers board the tiny, crowded boat. Kenny starts the engine.



As I enter the boat, I start to feel nauseous. I was never very good with boats. The boat rocks back and fourth like a rocking chair, and I hang on to the closest thing in my reach; which happened to be a little girl's shoulder.

" Sorry," I mumble to the girl, who is currently texting away on her iphone. She looks up at me with a sympithetic expression on her face.

" It's fine," She smiles, and holds out her hand. " I'm Sophie."

I kindly shake her hand and smile back at her. " Chloe," I respond.

" Aren't you Zayn's girlfriend?" Sophie points out eagerly; she looks super excited to see the boys. I remember how excited I was.

" Yeah," I chuckle but let out a gasp as another wave hits the boat; even though we are still in the marina. I instantly lurch sideways and grab something, this time the swim deck door.

" I'm guessing you don't like boats," Sophie inquires, chuckling at my attempt to rescue myself.

" Nope," I assured her, the wind blowing in my face, of coarse messing up my hair.

I see a large group of people walking down the boardwalk, which makes me smile. There was Zayn, Liam, Niall, Harry, and Louis with two other girls and an older woman. I hear Sophie squeal from right next to me as they deascend down the wide, wooden stairs.

I see Sophie go over to another girl, who also is on her phone. They both look like they are about to burst with excitement.

" Sidney. Sidney. This is really happening. They are actually here." I hear Sophie exclaim to the older girl, who must be Sidney.

I look up, and see Zayn smiling at me from the end of the dock, which makes me blush. Just those little things he does make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

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