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Okay, so I just wanted to make an extra chapter to say a MASSIVE thank you to all of my readers.

At first I thought that nobody would read this book, and I would just end up deleting it. BUT HERE I AM, having a finished book in Wattpad about my five lifesavers.

Honestly, this book has kind of changed my life. I didn't really have an interest in writing before Strong, I just wanted to try it out just to see where it would lead me. But now I have an interest, and I maybe want to try it out! Who knows, I could be an author when I am older ;)

You all are beyond amazing. Whenever I see in my notifications that there is a vote or a comment, I always get so happy inside and think that people actually like my writing. But, if you are just a reader, I still get super happy when I see my reads go up! :D

Alright guys. This is it. I can click 'completed' on this book. I can't belive it. I will really miss writing this book.

Merry Christmas, and a very special Happy Birthday to Louis William Tomlinson. He turns 23 today ♡ can you believe that? Cause I can't :,)

Until next time,

Love you all,

Merry Christmas,

(god this is hard :,c)

Stay strong,


Strong // 1DDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora