Chapter Seventeen.

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It deleted my whole chapter again. grrr.

I was all ready to upload and everything on Saturday night, BUT THERE WAS NOTHING TO UPLOAD!

Sometimes wattpad cam be a pain in the butt.

and all today the stuipid wifi wasn't working. for some reason, it wouldn't even let me work on re-typing the whole freaking chapter!

so here I am sunday night, rushing to get this chapter done and upload it, since I fianlly got back from up north. ( yes, I went again.) and have wifi. so yeah.

thanks for the reads too :)

I have not gotten very many comments. so please! I also accept constructive critisism!

and maybe it wont get deleted so I can upload sooner :)

peace, awesome wattpad readers, and enjoy!




We walk into the gigantic arena. It looks firmiliar. probably because I went to their concert, and it has the same setup.

Liam and Niall were standing by the sign. There was a camera guy there, too, which was weird.

"Madison Square Garden, the worlds largest arena." Liam  said confidently as he pointed to the sign and the camera guy recorded. "That basically sums it up."

I wonder why they needed that.

"Hey guys!" Niall hollered as they saw us coming. They walk on over to us.

"We want to show you to something backstage." Niall says with a smirk.

"Okay." we start our long journey to backstage. Down the long walkway, behind some curtains, up some creepy black stairs, and down another hallway.

We got to a door that said Backstage.

"I'm guessing that's where were supposed to go."

"yup." Niall says seriously. My heart rate starts speeding up. I wonder what's on the other side of this door.

He opened the door.

There were two couches, a TV, a bunch of mirrors, and a food table. There were also four guys in the corner.





"Hey guys!" Niall yelled. They turned around. Yes. That's who I thought they were. They walk over to us calmly, like it was any other day.

"You're Tara, right?" Luke Hemmings asks. His Australian accent in real life makes me weak in the knees.

Luke Hemmings. Luke Hemmings. Luke Hemmings.

"Yup, that's me." I say surprisingly casually. I am proud of myself for not having a fangirl attack. Pat on the back for me.

"You seem cool." he says with a smile.



"Thanks." I say. Ah, dang it. I'm blushing. I will never get used to this.

I glance over at Chloe. She was talking to Calum. Niall was talking to Ashton and Michael. One direction and 5sos put together. The world might just end.

Michael came over to me.

"Hi, I'm Michael."

"I know." I said sweelty. "I'm Tara." we shook hands.

I am NEVER going to wash this hand. Wait. that's gross. Not anymore.

We hung out the rest of the time.

We still had an hour until the show started, so we had a lot of time. Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn joined in too in the middle of it all.

After what seemed like ten minutes, a guy from management stuck his head in the door.

"You guys are on on five." he says to Luke, Ashton, Calum, and Michael.

"Good luck, lads." Harry said.

They were gone by the time he said that. I felt a twinge of excitement.


The concert was awesome. It was so much cooler here, compared to our little stage in south Carolina.

5sos sung She Looks So Perfect, which was pretty sweet.

"Thank you! Have a good night New York!" Louis yells over the ear-splitting screaming of all of the directioners in the crowd.



"G'night!" Louis yells. All of them jumped into those little holes in the stage as the band did their last guitar and drum playing.

Soon they all opened the backstage door. Zayn came running to me, sweaty from the performance

He enveloped me into an almighty hug, with our faces squished together. Right now I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

"You did great, babe." I said over all of the awws of the two boybands.

Just kidding. Boyband and rock band.

Is it too early to say this?

I think I am in love with Zayn Malik.

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