Chapter 26

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I wake up and my head is absolutely pounding. "F*cking hell", I curse and groan softly. I blink a few times to adjust to the low light and realize that it isn't a low artifcial light. I was outside. I was f*cking tied up in a f*cking chair outside. What the f*ck. "Hello?", I call out.

       All of a sudden, I see a light in the far distance. Where the hell even was I? I look around and other than the light I saw before, their was just total darkness. I was apparently in the woods somewhere away from the campus.

    My eyes adjust more and the light comes closer. It was an abundance of small lights. Candles. My heart frantically starts thumping and I struggle against the ropes that are tied around me. "HELP!", I scream. I didn't know what was going to happen once the people get to me but I felt that it wouldn't be good.

     I continue screaming and only when my throat becomes too raw. The group gets closer and closer and my heart frantically starts beating. They're close enough now that I can see my professor leading them. "Dont you know that your father was one of the best?", she says, slipping behind the chair once she reaches me. "All he ever wanted to do was help people and to solve the peoples problems. That's all".

     I take a deep breath and close my eyes. "I was his son. I should have been important to him. His experiments were illegal and dangerous", I say without raising my voice. Suddenly, I'm struck across the face with a metal rod. "F*ck".

    "What Dane has there", The professor, who's name I suddenly remember, (Rebecca), begins. "Is an electric rod. When he sticks it to you and pushes a button, you will be electrocuted. So I'd suggest you do what we need to do and you don't make a peep".

    "Are you gonna kill me?", I ask as Dane sticks the end of the rod to my chest. My voice comes out as soft and pathetic and I have to bite down on my lip to keep myself from crying. I was so scared and I had no idea what these people were capable of.

    Instead of getting an answer, they circle around me and strap something to my arm. "Like your father did, we're gonna test your pain", Rebecca explans and someone slips their hand under my shirt and places another something to my chest. "We have a small device connected to the wires we just hooked to you that lets us know your blood pressure and your heart rate. We'll be testing the pain levels that way".

    They're going to torture me just like my dad did. "How is this going to help you learn new things? What will this help?", I ask softly, my voice still so broken. Rebecca chuckles and a short boy with round glasses approaches the chair with what looks like pliers.

      "Oh, my boy. We would love to finish what your dad started. But we aren't experimenting to help people. This is just our own independent study, perhaps. We're giving thanks to your dad this way", Rebecca smiles and motions the short boy closer. "Josh is going to see how much it hurts to pull an entire finger nail off with one quick yank. Josh?".

    He takes his final descent closer to me and I start screaming loudly. I plead with him to stop and he takes my hand and chooses a fingernail and the tool in his hand inches closer. "STOP PLEASE!", I'm sobbing now and I can't stop.

    He's inches away from my hand now and I'm still screaming. Suddenly, it all stops and he leans forward and yanks my pointer finger nail straight off it's rightful spot. I scream in agony and put my head back. "Thats the spirit!", Rebecca cheers. “Next!..” She suddenly stops and her expression changes to as if she’s straining to hear something.

    “Ma’am...”, a girl begins but she’s quickly stopped and Rebecca frantically grabs something from the ground.

    “We have to do it now. NOW!”, She screams I see what’s in her hand and gasp. It was a knife. A very long and a very sharp and shiny knife. She was going to kill me. “The police are coming and it needs to happen now! SOMEONE TAKE THE KNIFE FROM ME AND DO IT!”.

   That’s what she heard. Police sirens. But why wouldn’t she just kill me herself? “F*ck it”, she cries out and I feel a sharp pain and she slices my kneck and blood starts trickling down. I gasp and try to wrap my hands around my neck. My head falls forward and the last thing I hear are police sirens and shouts to get on the ground.

     But the last thing I see is different. The last thing I see is my mom, all in white, holding her hand out to me, as if she’s welcoming me home.

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