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Eazy's Point Of View.

After Aaliyah left I went to the police station to make my statement. I then went to go see Dom and the rest of the boys and get something to eat since I haven't eaten since last night.

"Aaliyah came by" he tells me "What for?" "She said she wants me to talk you out of this whole situation. She don't want you behind bars or worse" he informs causing me to shake my head. I don't know why Aaliyah feels the need to get involved. I know what I'm doing "I told her that she can't change my mind" "I feel you, I would do the same thing which is why I want to help you out" "What do you mean?" I ask taking the milkshake to my lips "Those two niggas that was shooting at the club used to be friends of mine until they did me wrong which is why I'm down to kill them. It's up to you though are you ready?" He questions me causing me to think about everything.

What if I get caught? I'm not gonna be able to do time behind bars. I'm only 17 and I'll probably get 18 years plus. What if they kill me first? But at the same time I have to get revenge for what they did to Raheem.

"Born ready" I admit "Well I know that one of them live with their baby mama, she lives on Grove Street, so we can just run up in there and start blasting" I shake my head "We ain't trinna kill his girl" "Okay" he agrees "And what if we hit the kid by accident?" "We won't" he reassures me "We can do it tonight if you want to get it over and done with" I nod in agreement "And what about the other one?" "We'll find a way to get him. We'll take them out one by one" he declares.

After we eat we go to Grove street and just watch the house from Dom's car. "Here you go" Malachi hands me a black balaclava. I look down at it and hold it with my sweaty palms. I breath in and out before putting it on. "Let's do this" Dom says forcing us all out of the car. We cross the road to the house which has one of the upstairs lights on and two lights on in the bottom signalling that someone is home. Jarell goes around to the back of the house as we step up on the porch. I pull my gun out as the others do the same. I stand back while Dom knocks on the door causing my heart rate to pick up.

Seconds later a female opens the door and automatically tries to close the door, but Dom pushes past it and covers her mouth with his hand. The rest of us walk into the house as Malachi walks through to the back in order to allow Jarell in.

"You better shut the fuck up" Dom tells her as her breathing becomes unsteady. Shit what the fuck am I doing? "You gonna keep quiet?" She nods. Dom turns to me with his hands still wrapped around her mouth. I nod at him signalling to let her go so he does "Don't hurt my baby please" "We won't hurt your baby, but if you start screaming and hollering then I would shoot your baby in it's motherfucking face. Understand me?" She nods with tears in her eyes.

Jarell and Malachi walk into the room, their guns pointing in every direction. "Yo, there's someone upstairs" Jarell says "Who the fuck is upstairs?" "Kordell" the girl responds behind tears "That's him" Dom tells me as I load my gun "Malachi you stay here and make sure she don't call the cops aity" "Aiyt" The three of us go upstairs leaving Malachi with the girl.

"Ssssh" I say as I walk up the stairs, but stop in my tracks when I see a family picture hanging up of the female who Dom probably traumatised for the rest of her life, a guy who I guess is Kordell and a little girl who couldn't be more than a year old. "Hurry up E" Jarell rushes me forcing me up the stairs. We got this far we might as well go through with the rest of the plan. I go into a room with the two boys behind me to see Kordell asleep beside his daughter. "Let's just blast him" "No" I say. The fuck is wrong with them?

I go over to the them and pick up the little girl. She instantly wraps her arms around my neck. "What the fuck are you doing E?" Dom questions "Moving her. I don't want her in the middle of this" I place her in the crib and watch her as she grabs her teddy with her eyes still closed shut "Yo, who the fuck are you?" I look back over to the bed to see that Kordell had woke up so I pull out my gun. Dom and Jarell do the same, but then so does Kordell. He points his gun at me so I press the trigger four times causing the baby to cry as the gun makes four loud bangs.

I stop when I see that Kordell is lying on his back in a bed full of blood.  "Let's get the fuck up out of here" Dom tells me pulling me out by my hoodie. The three of us run down the stairs "Yo, let's go" Dom tells Malachi who is zipping up his jeans. I look over at the girl who's eyes are red with her whole body shaking.

We all leave and go back to Dom's car who starts driving fast down the road. I take of the balaclava and put the gun back inbetween my belt and jumper. "What the fuck was you doing with that girl?" Jarell questions "She gave me head, she was good too" he says as he starts lighting up while I just look out of the window. "You okay E?" "Yeah, I'm cool, he deserved it" "Exactly" Dom comments as he turns up the music.

I stay looking out of the window until we reach my house "See ya later" "Yeah" I say as I get out of the car. I stroll over to my house and open the door with my key. "There you are" My mom calls as she comes over to me and pulls me in a hug "I was worried sick about you" she tells me, but all I can think about is what had just happened.

"You okay baby?" She questions pulling away "Huh? Yeah, I'm just gonna go to bed" I say going up the stairs "You not gonna have dinner first? I made your favourite" "No. I'm good" I lie as I go into my bedroom. I lock the door and remove my gun from my waist and lift up my matters. I hide it before I get undressed and climb in bed to try and go to sleep, but it doesn't work.

A/N: Eazy hella crazy. 😩😊😂
Check the vid in the media.

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