munching. {bokuto x reader}

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inspired by my us history teacher lolol thanks. kinda x kuroo????????? im not sure????????????



you walked to your front door and fished out your keys, you noticed that bokuto's car was parked outside so you assumed he was home. you shoved the key in and twisted it to unlock the door and opened the door to see bokuto sitting at the kitchen table with his laptop and books with him. across the table was kuroo also studying, but was distracted by his phone.

you sweat dropped and announced your arrival, "hey guys."

they both looked up and smiled brightly "(Y/N)-CHAN!!!!" you giggled as bokuto jumped up from his chair and dashed over to hug you. he picked you up and spun you around in circles and snuggled his face on your cheek.

"I missed you so much! I haven't seen you since yesterday!!" he exclaimed. you laughed and spoke "I asked you if you wanted to come to my mom's house to spend the night but you said no because my dog was scary." you giggled. your dog was the kindest animal there could be.


"koutarou shes literally a chihuahua that constantly shakes so I smother her in affection and blankets."

you hear kuroo cackle in laughter at bokuto and you couldn't help but smile and laugh lightly at bokuto's pain. "bro, shes just a dog." kuroo chuckled.

"not just any dog! she attacked me when I sat next to her!!" he pouted and crossed his arms in defense. "its called personal space bokuto. duh."

at that comment, he went to the emo mode which caused you to sweatdrop and you raised your hands and shake them lightly "whatever, I'm hungry. let's go and get some food yeah? you guys deserve a small break anyways." you said with a smile. with your response bokuto lightened up and smiled happily.

"hell yeah!"

- - -

you all sat down at a booth at an indoor ramen shop and began looking at the menu. you rub your hands together because it was a cold evening, it was fall after all. soon a waitress comes over and takes your guys order. bokuto had a pork miso ramen and kuroo had the spicy tonkotsu ramen. you order a shoyu ramen. (MAANNN THIS SOUNDS REALLY GOOOD RN)

you waited patiently for your food to arrive and soon enough it was brought over and you felt the warm vapor from the ramen fill your nostrils and you sigh happily; content with what you were given. you pick up your utensils and begin devouring your tasty meal. you sigh happily as you feel the warm noodles go down to your stomach, but all the good feeling were cutoff as bokuto was starting to chew very loudly.

to the point where it annoyed the hell out of you.

kuroo looked to his side and watched bokuto in annoyance as bokuto munched on his food loudly. kuroo swallowed his food and turned his head to face bokuto.

"why do have to be chewing so loudly? like its gross hearing it."

and bokuto with a care in the world spoke and said "I WANNA TASTE MY FOOD." you deadpanned at his statement and couldn't help but laugh quietly at him they continued to argue further on and you sat there smiling nervously as it started to grab peoples attention.

"y-you guys..."

"is this how your mom raised you?!" kuroo said as he laughed, bokuto pouted "nope, but I like to break the rules sometimes."

"oh wow, you're such a rebel." kuroo said sarcastically. bokuto smiled triumphantly, "of course I am, who else wouldn't fall for the bad boy attitude. and my devilishly handsome looks."

kuroo faced palmed himself and sighed "yeah right, who wouldn't..." he mumbled to himself in disappointment.

you sat there and continued to wonder how the hell you became friends with these idiots called kuroo Tetsuro and bokuto koutarou.

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here's an update to hopefully still fulfill your needs of the hq!! babies that we all know and love! i'm still so sorry for being so inactive, its just so hard to fight off writers block, that you can't really just be like BLAM! "i'm ready to write!" when you have all these other things to worry about like AP classes, honors classes, work etc. i just hope you guys' can understand where i'm coming from and all that jazz.

i hoped you guys liked it at least and if ya did don't hesitate to give it a vote :)

i'll see you guys next time :)


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