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"He asked for your number!?" Vex squeals after I told her what happened when Drake and I sat beside each other yesterday.

I shrug like the whole thing isn't a big deal even when it's a pretty huge one, especially for someone like me. "So how was Theo?" I ask her, changing the subject. I haven't been able to talk to Theo since he left with Vex yesterday, and I want to know how their 'date' went.

"He's a funny and sweet guy." Vex tells me plainly. "Hey, let's head to the cafeteria. I'm hungry." She looks away in a hurry.

I nod in agreement and notice the pile of papers she scooped up from the brown folder she's holding. "What's that?" I question her, "looks important."

"It's about the school play," she says, sounding serious as we head to the cafeteria, taking the stairs after we made a right turn, passing by the lockers. "Two students backed out. My dad thinks I should audition, but I'm afraid of not getting a role."

I roll my eyes. "You? Not getting a role? That's like Cecilia not getting a guy."

She laughs. "Oh Miss Vegas can get any boy she wants, I'm sure."

"She's Cecilia freaking Vegas." I grin sheepishly with a careless shrug, "can I take a look at those papers?"

Vex nods, handing over the papers. "Do you still know how to play the cello?"

"That's a random question," I murmur wistfully. I started playing the cello since I was six years old, and never stopped taking lessons ever since. However, a year ago, I insisted on teaching myself. Mom exploded but eventually agreed. "Yeah, I still play. Why?"

"I heard that the music club needs a cellist, maybe you could try to join. It'll be fun, plus the music club would also perform in the school play," she looks at me with a sympathetic smile on her face. "Come on, Ri."

Doesn't sound so bad. "Fine, I'll try." I head towards the canteen door, beginning to open it when someone opens it instead for me.

I hear Don, Lance, Philip, Dane and Jake chuckle like a bunch of idiots when Drake opens the door for me to enter. I pause, and so does Drake, who's still holding the door for me, waiting for me to get in.

"Th-thanks," I smile at him shyly, avoiding eye contact. I quickly enter the cafeteria.

Butterflies. All in my stomach.

After Vex buys her snack, my phone beeps. Vex looks over from my shoulder.

Unknown number: hey, this is Drake. Can we meet later after class? Around 5pm. At the alleyway. Nearest one from Harcott. At the very end.


I knock on the door three times, and a middle aged man opens it. He places a hand on his really messy black hair, adjusting his glasses at the sight of me. "Yes?" he asks impatiently, raising an eyebrow. The dark bags under his eyes prove that he's a member of the play, and that he's under an amount of pressure as well.

"Someone told me the music club needed a cellist," I let out a friendly smile. "I know how to play the cello."

To my delight, his features soften. "Name. Year. Age. State your music experience." He doesn't lead me inside just yet, scanning me with a curious look.

I don't give him any ideas of me being nervous. "Riana Garcia, freshman. I'm fifteen years old. I've been playing the cello since I was six and quit lessons last year." I shoot him a warm look when he eyes me even more suspiciously, "I decided to teach myself."

He Caught Her Eye (Caught #1)[UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now