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Daniel Jornolla: I can't do it.

Drake: afraid of rejection?

Daniel Jornolla: No. Because it's weird.

I sigh and look up from my phone, only to see a familiar face walk in the restaurant, searching for a face among the customers and smirking when he recognizes me, a sly look on his face.

I wonder if it will last.

Drake: Please

"B," Trik says sharply, taking a seat across from me. He eyes the soda on his side of the table. "I don't like sodas. What about a beer?"

I refrain myself from returning a witty comeback. "I have to tell you something." I've asked Trik to meet up with me in a small cafe, not wanting to bump into Riana's aunt, not only because of the possibility of Trik and I's conversation turning rigid but also because I can't face up to what I've done to her niece.

And because I can't face the fact that she's with.. Theo. Theo Walker. He and I haven't had the chance to speak yet, only small plain exchanges in the middle of certain classes, but there's an unspoken tension between us. I'm sure he feels it too.

Trik only snorts. "Then tell me so that I can go."

I look at him in the eye, erasing both Riana and Theo in my head. "It's about your mother."

The smug look on his face vanishes, rage consuming him. "What the fuck?" he spits outrageously, looking at me with distaste. He doesn't consider lowering down his voice. I sit still, staring at him.


He stands up and pulls my collar with both of his hands, making me lean towards the table. "You piece of shit—" before he can finish, I push him away, giving the horrified waitress and shocked customers a friendly smile before glaring at Trik, whose hands are balled into fists.

Our situation to the audience most likely looks like a violent father and son quarrel, since he's almost a decade older than me.

"Sit the fuck down," I hiss quietly, not wanting to draw any more attention.

"You asked me here to talk about family? And that.. bitch!? You shut the fuck up first—"

"Calm the fuck down!!" I raise my voice a little higher this time, putting a hand on his shoulder as he scowls at me, the two of us slowly sitting back down in unison. "Listen to what I have to say first. I—"

"Do not speak to me about my family," he smacks both of his hands on the table. Loudly. "At least mine isn't as fucked up as yours. Your brothers pitifully fucked and your sister mentally ill, no wonder your dad hasn't come back. Or maybe he's already dead. Like your mom."

It takes a second for me to absorb the words.

What the fuck.

A flash of boiling anger hisses through my body, screaming both pain and anger as my hands twitch.

"Shut the fuck up," Trik has insulted my family before, and I'm surprised I haven't fully exploded yet. Maybe it's because of everything that has happened. I don't hesitate to smack my hand on the table, surprising everyone including him. "I came here to tell you where your good-of-a mother is, but you know what?" I can feel my body trembling furiously, "maybe you don't have to know where she is. She must've be so fucking happy to leave her sons that she left them on the day their father died." With those harsh words, I get up. "Maybe she wished you and Roy died with him too."

He Caught Her Eye (Caught #1)[UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now