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Playlist - Tonight by FM STATIC



Holy shit. I feel my heart beat two times faster when I realize who I'm actually dancing with.

🎶Tonight I've fallen
and I can't get up🎶

My instincts told me earlier that maybe Drake is the one I'm dancing with, but I argued with my thoughts since I felt like it was impossible to be dancing with the wrong partner.

But when he asked about my heartbeat.. I knew it was Blaze, which triggered me.

🎶I need your loving hands to
come and pick me up🎶

I don't know what to do. Drake isn't even doing anything. We're just staring at each other wordlessly, too shocked to say anything.

I remember Vex liking him, and I restrain myself from flinching. Of course she liked him, just look at him. So handsome. So poised. So.. him

But how could I have not known?

We're dancing, moving our left foot to the left, then our right foot to the right. We're repeating the same moves I've suggested earlier.

🎶and every night I miss
you I can just look up🎶

No words can describe how intense the moment is. I can tell that he's shocked too, though he's not saying anything, his eyes delivering his thoughts for him.

🎶And know the stars are holding
you holding you holding you tonight🎶

The beat of the song without any lyrics creeps into the room, which means the song is leading to the last chorus. Could things get any more awkward?

"Now's your chance to tell your date everything. If he or she is just a friend, you may say something friendly. If he or she is something more, then now is your chance, but please, no PDA," the voice coming from who-knows-where announces (most likely an intercom), "or if your date is someone you strongly dislike, then don't say anything, though I don't know why you'd bring someone you dislike to the dance."

You have no idea.

Blaze and I are now just glancing at each other. I have a lot of things to say to him, a lot of negative stuff, but no words can escape my lips.

"D-does this mean Dane and Heart are each other's partners right now for this, uh, dance? Because we're literally each other's dance partners but.." I take a deep breath from my stupid babbling, "so does this mean Dane and Heart are dancing with each other right now?"

Blaze doesn't say anything, he just stares at me and shrugs. We're still holding onto each other, not letting go. I don't know what I'm doing, and it's obvious that he's too stunned to let his brain function.

Right in front of me is the boy who broke my heart, yet he still makes it beat as if he never broke it in the first place.

"Anne," Drake says as my whole body shakes.

I look at him and gulp. Before I can say anything, the music comes back.

🎶Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up,
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up🎶

We move slowly, the same steps as before, except this time, the tension's worse.

🎶and every night I miss you I can just look up,
And know the stars are holding you holding you holding you tonight🎶

He Caught Her Eye (Caught #1)[UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now