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It's January 3 today. I hate that we started our Winter break early, because then that means we're back to prison early too. The final exams are two months from now, I'm guessing around the first week of March. Harcott High's play will be showing this January 20, which is also Don's 17th birthday.

And after exams will be the big game against Verdanya High.

It's not yet even seven o'clock when I arrive in school, unusually punctual. Riana's diary is in my backpack, and I'm planning to put it in her locker. She hasn't responded to my text, which shouldn't really worry me because Theo did text me to say she got home safe, but somehow it does.

I still haven't forgotten our kiss, of course.

My phone buzzes with a notification from @H_H_H — two posts. One contains more than a hundred pictures from Heart's party. There's a picture of Madonna and Don. 'Finally got a clear glimpse of Jadon Rodriguez's girlfriend' is the caption stated for the picture. There are a lot of reactions, mostly sad ones. I roll my eyes and check out the other post, not wanting to waste time scanning each picture.

The other post is about Headmistress Hawkins verifying some kind of Freshman-Sophomore dance this upcoming February with a flowery theme two weeks before the exams on the same day the Juniors and Seniors are having their prom.

I tuck my phone back in my pocket even when I know classes haven't started yet, staggering when I see Riana, who just shut her locker with a sigh. For the first time, her hair is in a fishtail braid. She turns to me, and her grip on an important looking envelope the color of chocolate tightens.

She's staring at me in the same she used to the day after she saw me shoot Roy. Slowly, I approach her. She still hasn't moved. Does she regret the kiss?

"Hey." My voice comes out hoarse.

She doesn't say anything.

Knowing it's best if she knows, I put down my backpack and unzip it, pulling out her diary. Her eyes brighten when she retrieves it from me, but her face still spells out worry. "I knew I had to return it once I... once I saw the picture," I stiffen guiltily. She's not saying anything. Why isn't she saying anything? Shouldn't she be relieved? "I'm sorry, Riana."

She looks at me, dumbfounded. "So you knew about Jay even before I told you about him." It comes out as a conclusion rather than a question.

I nod numbly. "Yes."

She doesn't say anything.

"I may have read a few entries about Alton too," it's a miracle I don't cringe. "I'm sorry. I don't know how it got inside my bag in the first place. I—"

"I forgive you." Her words make me step back.

Did I hear her right? "What?" Maybe I'm not used to her agreeing with almost everything I say, but shouldn't she have an expressive reaction? I was expecting she'd be upset, but she isn't. Just... relieved.

"I forgive you," she repeats, this time with more conviction. She swallows and hands me the envelope she's holding, "that is, if you.. if you forgive me too." I receive the envelope, puzzled. "Not that it's me that requires forgiving. It's my mother. She's.." she looks down, embarrassed. "She hired a PI."

He Caught Her Eye (Caught #1)[UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now