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"There's a black BMW has outside," Pablo comments once I arrive downstairs. My brothers, together with Ice and Ivy, are seated together in the dining table, eating breakfast. Lena has probably gone to work already, same with Aunt Casey and Uncle V.

"That's Lance's car," I shrug and grab a bagel from Gino's plate, who hasn't even noticed.

"Lance?" Ivy's eyes sparkle.

I ignore the look on her face. "Driving lessons begin this summer, by the way," Gino shares. "Did you see the toy Pablo and I got for your birthday?"

"It's still in my room," Ice says.

"I haven't yet," I stretch my arms and let out a yawn. It's early in the morning and it's been two days since the dance.

Two days ever since Riana and I found ourselves dancing with each other.

For some reason, Lance texted me earlier to say he was picking me up. When I get in his car, I don't miss the dark bags under his eyes and the tense tick of his jaw. His left hand's on his steering wheel and his right one's gripping his shoulder — a gesture he does when he's nervous.

"You okay?" I question him, concerned.

He looses his grip on his shoulder and adjusts his glasses. "Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" he returns firmly, "Jornolla told me what happened during the dance."

"Yes, but..." I don't want to talk about it. "That's not the point," my words come out harsh, "what's up with you?"

"Just the exams next week. And the pressure of the game against Verdanya," he replies. "What's up with you?"

I don't reply. It's the f

The first thing I see when getting dropped off are Don and Jake surrounding Theo, who seems to have gotten a new haircut — a buzz cut, to be exact.

I wonder if he knows about the dance?

"Theo's back," Lance follows my gaze. He turns pale all of a sudden. Before I can ask him about the look on his face, he turns to me. "I'm gonna go park."

Huh. "Okay." I shut the car door and approach the three calmly, making sure not to wear any kind of expression on my face. Theo's observant, and I don't want him knowing what happened.

Don, Jake and Theo look at me. I focus my attention on Theo. "Walker, nice to see you. How was your trip?"

He doesn't miss a beat when answering. "Absolutely fine," he assures me, "how was the dance?"

"Absolutely fine," I shoot back.

A couple of seconds pass by. Don and Jake exchange uncomfortable glances.

"I heard about the big switch," Theo winks, and I throw Jake and Don a look. The two of them just shrug. I take note to scold Dane later. Or maybe Riana told him? "Really? Garcia and you in the same room and Harrison and Jornolla in another? Wow."

I heave a sigh, not breaking eye contact. "Yeah I know," I respond dully, "so what? No big deal."

"Theo! Welcome back!" Ichi Reyes hugs Theo warmly from behind. Don stares at them dumbfounded.

"Thanks, it's good to be back," Theo says gently like the goody-two shoes he is, shifting his attention from me to Ichi.

"I wish you made it back before the dance," I hear Lance's unsettling voice, heading towards our direction. "Nonetheless, how was—"

He Caught Her Eye (Caught #1)[UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now