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I was too busy debating whether or not to text Drake in order confirm his suspicions about Kelvin having a relative related to Jamie's death that I forgot to dodge.

"Fudge." I groan exasperatedly when the ball hits the top of my head, the item continuing to bounce behind me.

"Sorry!" Kathleen apologizes, hurrying after the ball with an apologetic look. It's obvious she's not really into sports.

"I'll get it." I volunteer grouchily. Mira just laughs, clearly enjoying the whole scene.

"Fudge? Really?" Kelvin smirks at me amusingly, "how old are you?"

I stick my tongue out. "Fifteen but ten at heart," I say joyfully before heading towards the ball. He's deep in thought when I arrive, so I throw the ball at him with and it hits his head, which makes him shriek.

I start laughing and he growls at me, annoyed with what I've just done. "Not funny." He says, patting his head, probably checking if he has a huge bump like those scenes in the movies.

I pass the ball to Kathleen and Mira.

When I turn back to Kelvin, I gasp.

I see Drake, smiling at me. His beautiful green eyes shining, the sides of his mouth twitching. He raises a hand in greeting while his other hand runs along his hair, trying to make himself look presentable when he's already fine art himself.

The world stops for a moment, and my mind flashes back to when I started to notice him. It wasn't in a very creepy way that reminded one of a stalker, but more of an I-feel-like-we-know-each-other kind. I don't exactly remember the specific time I labeled him with that description, but I remember it started during seventh grade. Most likely after the talent show.

Then I remember the day he kissed me — twice. As some sort of 'challenge' from an anonymous account that I underestimated at first.

From an anonymous account. A dangerous one.

A dangerous and anonymous account daring Drake to kiss ME.

My head throbs when I recall the first time I heard the sound of an actual shooting closely, and the twisted look on Roy's face, along with the way he was gripping his shoulder. Many events followed after that — the awkward movie, the three (useless) deals, the uncomfortable lunches, the first snowfall, the 'triple' date, the successful recital, the midnight calls, the entertaining ride, the piano kiss...

Maybe I was too busy feeding myself cons as to why Drake cannot be ideal, to the point I didn't realize I was starting to fall for him.

I don't know where it started, but I do know I want to be with him, no matter the consequence.

God. Is this what it's like to... love someone?

"Riana?" Kelvin's face comes to the picture. He scans me from head to toe anxiously. His tone's a little sneaky, and his voice reminds me of Lance Spencer's, except Reynolds has no accent. And his dad is dangerous. "Riana, babe, talk to me."

"Don't call me that." I frown, cringing. "I know it's cute for other girls, but for me, it's not."

Kelvin's eyes light up like he just found out I was selling him drugs, not that I'd ever do drugs. "Did you just zoom out?"

I look into his eyes, and then I turn to Mira. "I have to go." Before any of them can say anything, I storm into my house in a hurry, remembering something.


You light up my whole day
in every possible way
You dry my tears away
and I don't know how to pay
Your blush, your smile, it's as bright as the sun
It's nice to tease you — it's so much fun
Stop thinking about the knife, and the gun
You're my friend, I don't want you to run
We're both young, and yet so different
Not to mention I'm not clean and transparent
Soon enough, I'll tell you all about me
And in the end - build a wall, and go flee.

I put down my notebook on my desk and snatch an empty page from it. I don't care anymore about AL. As for Theo, I'm sure he'll understand. He's not the type to get permanently upset about this.

Should I write him a letter or send him a text? My eyes shift to my phone eager to be used, and to the blank page dying to be stained.

Then I remember something I used to do back then in seventh grade — when Sophie and I were best friends and I had a major crush on Dane Jornolla.

Short poems. Quatrains. I grab one of the pens in my mug (one I bought from New York with an I HEART NYC sign), fully inspired and wholeheartedly determined.

I stare back at the torn blank page and toss it in my notebook before crawling to my bed, checking under it to find a whole bunch of unused and clean notebooks. I pull out the nearest — an orange one that kind of reminds me of my missing diary.

He's not Dane — a short term middle school crush that only happened because I was tutoring him and he had that cute brown handkerchief.

He's not Alton — an intense infatuation that lasted half of eight grade until half of freshman year.

He's... Drake. Blake.

"Or whatever his name is." I mumble under my breath, blowing the notebook to ease off the dirt and dust it collected.

Who cares what his name is? He caught me anyway.


I take the pen and open the notebook.

Five years ago, I lost my brother. He lost his mother. I lost myself. His father left. I grew quiet. He changed his name. That restaurant crashed. His house burned down. We were broken kids.

Three years ago, we locked eyes. His brother left. I lost the talent show. He saw me go on with a smile. I obliviously helped him.

Two months ago, he kissed me. I wasn't sure what to feel.

A day ago, I kissed him. And I know what to feel.

"We were caught in each other's mess." I utter while writing down the words.

I flip to the next page. From RAHG, to Weirdo.



I'll remember all the things
that you might forget
I wish that someday
these feelings, I won't regret

He Caught Her Eye (Caught #1)[UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now