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Black plants together, white long sleeves (designed with flowers) and a pair of white crocs. There. I look like I'm not trying too hard and that I'm just giving off a friendly impression, which relaxes me. Besides, Theo said we'd just go watch a movie.

God, I won't even try to snuggle onto his body, and I'm going to make sure we're not going to be entirely seen otherwise the people will think we're a... couple.

"This looks good, right?" I ask once I step inside my room, where Marla is busy reading the notebook where I wrote my quatrains for Blaze. "Hey! That's private!" I walk towards her devastated, but she holds her right hand up to stop me.

"Quatrain number 12," she announces, reading. "I want to tell you how I feel..," she reads out aloud, mimicking my tone. "the consequences I'd have to face..."

I bite my lip, "Marla..."

"It would make such a big deal...," Marla continues, completely ignoring me. "Then again, time we shouldn't waste."

"Stop!" I whimper, covering my ears. "Put that down."

"Are you even going to give these poems to him?" Marla puts the notebook down on my bedside table, which calms my nerves.

"Of course not," I shake my head, turning down the idea without a second thought.

Marla tampers with the notebook for a few seconds before looking at me. "You look casually attractive. You gonna wear the glasses?"

"Don't wanna wear contacts," I say tonelessly. Then I look up at Marla, who's still analyzing my choice of outfit. "Did I tell you that Theo ordered Dane to take me to the Spring Formal?"

Marla shakes her head. "I kind of suspected. But it's nice of him. Drake.. Blaze's taking that Heart girl right?"

"They're gonna have a marvelous time," I reply, the idea of the two not really getting pumped out in my head. I haven't seen him at all today, though I have been trying not to look for and at him every once in a while. It hurts.

"Lets stop focusing on Blaze for a moment," Marla wraps her arm around me motivationally, "you're going to tell Theo the truth right?"

I take a deep breath, the plan lightening up inside my chest. "Yes," I whisper, then I bury my face on Marla's chest. "But I'm scared."

Marla pulls my head away from her chest for us to get a clear glimpse of each other. "Scared?" She comments like it's funny, "you did this to yourself, Ri. You have to pay the price. There are always consequences in every little thing you do."

"I'm just scared he might make a scene," I swallow. "But he won't, right? He's Theo. He'll understand."

"I'll keep my fingers crossed," Marla says. "Anyways, when is he picking you up?"

My face hardens. "I told him not to pick me up."

Marla's face drops. "The fuck?"

"I told him I had my own ride to the theatre," I look at Marla with dancing eyes. "I need you to drive me there."

"No way."


Marla snorts, "It'll be quick right? The movie?"

"We're not going to watch a movie," I murmur.

"You can go to the theatre without me."

"Come on, you owe me for not going to my play." I remind her with a sigh.

Marla groans. "Okay, Ri. You win. Let's go." She grumbles on her way out as I follow her with a sheepish grin. We walk past Grace, who barks at me. I smile at the puppy sadly.


Marla rests her hands on the steering wheel, eyes on the road, focusing on driving. I look out of the window, thoughts swirling in my head.

Will Theo hate me forever?

Will he ever forgive me?

Will he and I go back to being just best friends?

"You can do this," Marla speaks up, "it won't be that hard, okay, Ri?"

"Oh, uh yeah," I say, face whitening.

I already have it all planned out anyway: I'll tell him the truth.

Yeah. It's simple. I'll just say we're better off as friends.

But wait, what exactly is the truth? That I've done hideous things just to prove to everyone that I've moved on from Drake? Is that the truth I'm going to be presenting to him?

"We're here," Marla stops the car as she unbuckles my seatbelt for me.

I blink, stunned. "We're here already?"

"Duh," Marla says, then she batts me out of the car, "now get out. Just text me if you want to get picked up. Or maybe you can go grab a cab, though I suggest you don't."

I get out of the car in silence as I wave at her. The car beeps two times before it speeds off, leaving me gazing at the night sky.

"Thought you'd bail on me," Theo's calm and soothing voice gets me to turn back, making my heart leap when I'm face to face with a Theo dressed up in a grey sweater and black jeans. He's holding a brown fluffy teddy bear, he raises its hands (or paws, whatever) and then lets it wave at me cutely.

My heart soars. The last person I've seen doing that with a teddy bear is my brother on the day he died. Theo hands the teddy bear to me shyly as my hands retrieve it. "If you don't want it, I can go exchange it for another toy," he says quickly, "oh, and do you want one of my jerseys?"


"Or a varsity jacket?" He suggests, "I have a ton."

I shake my head, "Theo, no."

"What? You don't want a varsity jacket?" His smile vanishes, but it comes back shortly afterwards. "Well, uh, okay. Come on, let's go see the movie."

I gape, "We haven't even picked out a movie yet."

He shrugs. "I picked a movie for the both of us, is that okay?"

No. It's not okay. But since I'm going to break you heart, then I guess it is. "It's fine," I insist, "let's go."

"Wait, what about popcorn? Or drinks? You don't want any?"

Biting my lip, I shake my head. "I'm fine, thank you."

"Okay," Theo takes my hand which makes me stiffen as we enter the cinema quietly. He picks to sit in front, and even though I usually hate sitting near the screen, I don't have a choice this time. I can't even find my voice.

When will I say it? How will I say it?

He Caught Her Eye (Caught #1)[UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now