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My jaw drops and my mouth hangs wide open. My heart pounds and my mind is nonstop spinning. I feel my hands shake as I register the identity of the man who just killed Vex's brother, and is currently helping me get out of the ropes.

Something inside of me shudders when the ropes loosen and I slowly stand up, the man offering me his hand. I kindly refuse.

"Dad." I hear Blaze say.

I knew it. I turn from the man to Blaze, who's shaking his head, refusing to accept that this is happening. His eyes go watery, and it's obvious he doesn't know whether to be relieved or upset.

A lot has indeed happened today.

And there's literally a dead body.

The man looks extremely sad when he eyes Blaze's shirt and Harvey's body, as if the scenery is painfully familiar. When he meets Blaze, he stifles a smile, and turns to me. "You're his girlfriend?" no judgement in his voice. He sounds rather proud.

"Riana," Blaze says my name before I can say anything. "Meet... my dad."

"Call me Neil," Mr. Montiego says to me with a tight smile, pulling out his hand.

The hand he used to hold the gun. I shake his hand shyly. "I'm.. Riana." My voice cracks, heart beating.

Before I know it, Blaze is right beside him. Even though I expect him to bombard his father with questions, he doesn't. Instead, he looks at me, a gentle expression clouding his face. "You broke a deal."

I stagger. "What?"

"It was deal number one," he reminds me with a sad smile. "Don't go to places that's barely visited by people, remember?"

"Or else I'll see another body," I let out a forceful laugh, recalling that conversation. It was when we decided to form a friendship. Who would've known that was the start of.. this?

Then, as if remembering something, his body stiffens. Mine does too.

Jay. "Blaze—"

"Just go." He cuts me off, giving me a knowing look. Neil Montiego looks down at the ground, knowing it's none of his business.

I take a deep breath. Is he serious? "You don't know whether he was lying or not," I huff, remembering the times I wished he'd come back to us.

"It was your brother," Blaze says softly. "I know it. It's why.. it's why you've always been familiar. It's why you've caught my eye."

I gulp. "Bla—"

"I never liked you."

This time, even Neil looks astonished. The venom in Blaze's voice... "I played with your feelings. I kissed you because I felt like it. I never liked you. I've always had feelings for Heart..." he confesses frustratedly. My cheeks burn. "It's why I tutored her in the first place. It's why I led her to her room after we made out. I had sex with her after."



That's... no.

He Caught Her Eye (Caught #1)[UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now