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I steady my eyes so that I can spot my family among the crowd, and just by glancing at the audience, my stomach flinches.

When I catch Lena's figure, I automatically find Aunt Casey and Uncle V seated together, Ice next to her and Ivy in between Uncle V and Lena. They're all in the seventh row. I smile when I see the admiring look on Aunt Casey's face while listening to what ever Ice is telling her jubilantly.

Mom used to look at me like that too.

I've already adjusted to the sinking feeling of Gino and Pablo never wholeheartedly present when I need them, but I'd be lying if I say I at least have expected them to show up. There are two empty seats before Lena. I can't believe I got two extra tickets for them.

"Psst." I turn and see Anne Reinhardt, who's dressed up in a casual attire. She's one of the scriptwriters. I back away from the curtains. She eyes the box of chocolates on my hand and grins. "Who's that from?"

It's good to see her in a stable condition. I feel a twinge of guilt. "No one." It was awfully strange of Heart to give me this earlier, but I guess it's a token of our friendship. And maybe her way of apologizing for tricking me into take her to the dance.

Nonetheless, chocolates won't fix it.

She just rolls her eyes. "You can go talk to your family," she advises in a whisper. "We have a lot of time. There have been some.. complications," she admits thoroughly.

"Complications?" I crane my head up at the ceiling. "Nothing's going to fall while we're onstage, right?"

"Goodness, no," she glowers, not a fan of the joke. "Just go. We won't start for another twenty or thirty minutes anyway."

I raise both of my hands up. "Alright," then I softly add, feeling a little hollow, "it's good to see you're all better now, by the way." 

A smile appears on her face before she runs away, her mouth twisting with worry. I catch a few of the play's actors and actresses paving their way inside the narrow hallway that leads to the exit.

A few minutes later, I find myself among the audience, searching for familiar faces in the seventh row. Ivy spots me first, waving a hand and saying something to Ice. Thankfully most of the people among the crowd are busy, others talking to their children who're participating and some just naturally noisy.

"Drake!" Lena places his arms around me dramatically, ruffling my hair. I frown at her. "Do good, okay?"

Before I can reply, Aunt Casey nudges me. "Your brothers will be here later," she informs me, seeing through my mask. I only nod at her gratefully while Lena finally lets go of me.

Ivy and Ice leap out of their seats and approach me, their eyes sparkling with excitement and adoration.
"When's it starting!?" Ice squeals, his arms wide open as he embraces me (well, my waist) tightly.

Behind him, Ivy complains. "It's taking so long! I wanna see you perform!"

Uncle V gives me a sheepish grin. "Ivy and Ice were betting that you'd fall onstage."

"Oh?" I look at the two accusingly.

"She started it!" Ice points at Ivy after letting go, looking flushed.

I squeeze his nose playfully. "No one's falling." I squirm.

"You ready?" Lena asks me rhetorically, checking my forehead as if I just told her I'm ill.

"I'm fine," I brush off her hand, my voice airy. I look over the hundreds of people present to watch the presentation, my eyes searching for any of my friends, knowing I haven't greeted Don a happy birthday in person yet. I wonder if Marla Garcia is around. Riana's aunt mentioned that both of her parents are away, so it's most likely she's here to support her sister.

He Caught Her Eye (Caught #1)[UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now