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"Stop looking at me like that." I say icily.

"Like how one would like at a liar?" Don returns fiercely. "You didn't even tell us about the deals."

I groan. It's already lunch time, and I can't eat peacefully without having one of the boys stare at me incredulously, teasingly or not. I put down my yogurt. "I know what I did was wrong," I mutter under my breath, "and yes, I will apologize to her. When I see her—"

"See who?" Jake slides next to me with an apple on his hand, back from getting a quick snack. "Oh. Are we still talking about Riana?"

"You took quite long," Lance comments, arching an eyebrow. "What's up?"

"Nothing," Jake quickly supplies. "Why? Is there lipstick on me?"

"Why would there be— ah," Dane starts laughing, eyeing Jake suspiciously. "No wonder I heard moans in the janitor's closet. You and Hailee should do it somewhere else, man."

Lance chokes on his water and Don gives Jake a sideways glance. Jake flushes, "Y-you're one to talk!" he's still looking at Dane, "why weren't you around all morning!? I had to take notes for the first time in months. Do you know how many teachers were giving me proud looks? I swear Sir Dorris looked like he was about to cry."

Dane rolls his eyes. "Remember that Dorothea waitress yesterday at Queen of Burgers?" he stretches his arms like he has just gotten out of bed, "well I woke up on her—"

"Don't even finish," Philip interrupts, sighing. "We get it. Do your parents know?"

Dane snorts, giving Philip an amused look. "They don't care who I fuck, Phil. As long as my grades are decent and I go to law school, I can fuck whoever I want."

"That's all you're having for lunch?" Lance points at the apple Jake's holding while Philip aahs as a reply to Dane, knowing better than to press him about his family.

Jake nods. "So," he looks at me, "did you talk to Riana?"

"Not yet," I mutter. "I haven't seen her. Even this morning. Have you—?"

"Oh I've seen her," Jake squeaks nonchalantly, examining his apple for some reason like there's something wrong with it. "By the way, is it true you asked Heart to the dance? Cecilia kept talking about it earlier."

I resist the urge to glare at him. Philip makes a face. "What?"

Dane mocks him. "Wot?" then he pauses in realization and turns to me with bewilderment. "What?"

"What the fuck?" Don gives me a skeptical look. "That'll make Riana two times angrier."

"I needed Trik's number," I speak up defensively, the judgment on their faces written clearly. "And I was desperate. Heart said she'd give it to me if I agree to take her to the dance!" then I lower my voice, "I don't think Riana will mind. She hates me." The furious and disappointed look on her face yesterday said enough.

"That's true," Jake takes a bite from his apple, still chewing. I stare at him. "You know, I went to school early today. I wanted to get out of the house because my brother brought his annoying girlfriend over. And I saw Ri get out of Theo's car so—"

"The fuck?" I bump him with my shoulder, shocked. Did I hear him right?

"Theo?" Both Lance and Don mutter, baffled.

Jake pouts. "What?" his grip on his apple loosens and it falls to the floor.

"Wot?" Dane snickers.

He Caught Her Eye (Caught #1)[UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now