Chapter 3

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Nya growled and swung her hammer over her shoulder. "Excuse me while I go threaten some thieves."

Wu took the hammer from her grasp and pulled her back, whispering. "Those aren't thieves. They work for Garmadon. You must find the map before they do, at once!"

"Wh- but where are you going?" Nya watched him leave, confused.

Wu squinted at the blackened sky. "I'm going to face an old enemy of mine." In a flash of golden light, the old man seemed to spin away.

Nya swallowed and quietly searched throughout the shop to find the alleged map. She stopped abruptly when she heard someone enter the shop.

"Stupid Cole, always making me do the hard work while he gets to relax with stupid Samukai..." The voice belonged to a shadowy figure wearing a long black cloak with the hood pulled over. He pulled back his hood, revealing a face full of freckles and a deep scar over his eye. His hair was a deep auburn color, slicked back, and his eyes were a cloudy blue.

Nya was so busy staring at the guy that she had forgotten what she was doing. Crap, that's right. I need to get that map, and fast...

The redhead stopped suddenly, making Nya's stomach drop. "Anyone in here?" He called out, his eyes narrowing and scanning the room. "No need to hide, Mr. Blacksmith, I just need your secret map, that's all."

Nya narrowed her eyes and grabbed a katana from under the counter, jumping out to confront the intruder.

"Oh, sorry, I meant Miss Blacksmith." The guy smirked and whipped out a pair of nunchucks. "Like 'em? I'm training to harness these babies, boss's orders. I guess you could say I'm a pretty big deal in the underwor- AH!"

Nya cut the chatterbox off, knocking him off of his feet with a sweeping kick. He growled, his electric blue eyes almost glowing with anger.

"You really shouldn't have done that. I've been training, you know..."

Nya rolled her eyes. "Didn't anyone ever tell you not to bring nunchucks to a katana fight?" She held the blade close to his throat.

He chuckled and made a fist, a popping sound instantly following. Nya's eyes widened as blue lighting shot through the veins of his hand, his eyes shining from blue to a blinding white. He grabbed the blade, shocking Nya and sending her flying back a few feet.

She coughed once the initial shock was over and waved the smoke billowing through the shop away, revealing the guy clutching his now-bleeding hand and cursing up a storm.

Nya laughed a little, but found herself struggling to get up. Hopefully that Wu guy will come in here and help me out... I'm no match for... whatever that was...

A taller and more muscular hooded figure suddenly burst through the door, groaning when he saw the intruder. Nya hid behind another counter, listening in on their conversation.

"Dammit, Jay, think before you act!" The more recent intruder barked. "I can't believe you made me actually get up and help you! This is a baby's job! I could've sent those boneheads Kruncha and whatever his face is and they would've gotten it in less than two minutes! Are you even listening to me? Where the hell is that map?!"

Jay groaned. "Give me a break, Cole, I didn't cut it on accident. This crazy lady jumped out at me with a katana. I think she's the owner of the shop. The girl damn near cut my hand off..."

Nya tuned out Jay and Cole's bickering and crawled around, searching for the map. She whipped around when she began to hear loud crashing noises, and soon realized the two were fighting, Cole throwing heavy objects at Jay, and Jay destroying them with lightning.

A particularly heavy object shook the shop so much that it knocked down the sign. Nya was about to kill them both for destroying such an expensive sign, but she quickly noticed the piece of parchment with four weapons drawn on it. The map!

"The map!" Jay and Cole screamed at the same time, pushing past each other to reach it, right as Nya grabbed it. The two of them tripped over her body, sending the three of them crashing through the entire sign and tumbling right into an army of skeletons.

In an Alternate World (NINJAGO)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang