Chapter 34

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Nya clutched onto the communicator, feeling it vibrate over and over, each him growing louder and louder by the second.

I can't do this. I can't face you.

The ringing stopped after a moment before starting up again. Nya bit her lip, fighting tears as she got up from her bed. Jay was curled up on the spot next to her, fallen into a deep sleep. He was exhausted after their long, eventful day, and insisted he slept with her for the night.

"I'll be fine, Jay." She smiled gently after he had asked her. "Really."

"Please, Nya. I don't want to lose you again." He reached for her hand.

She swallowed, looking ahead. Could she even sleep with him for the night? Have him hold her?
That snake... that goddamn snake broke her...

"Alright. But..." She closed her eyes, taking in a shaky breath.

"But..?" He rubbed his thumb against her palm, easing her anxiety.

"No, um... No sex."

"Oh, yeah, I mean, obviously." Jay let out a small sigh. "I mean it, Nya, after today, I couldn't do something like that. It wouldn't seem right."

Nya nodded, moving in to hug him. "Thank you. I... I don't really want that much close cuddling either, or touching. I'm... I'm still a little... freaked out?"

"Oh." Now he was sounding disappointed. "I mean, of course. Whatever you're comfortable with."

Nya nodded, trying not to feel guilty. She hadn't told him about that snake; if he knew, he wouldn't sound so disappointed. He'd try to protect her even more.

That was probably the last thing she needed. If she wasn't on rocky terms with the Samurai right now, she would've escaped for the night and spent the night in the cave, letting out her anger through working.

Now she was wide awake, with Jay fast asleep next to her, and the Samurai calling her three times in a row.

She swallowed, pacing a bit before sneaking out of her room and into the bathroom, locking the door. Taking in a deep breath and splashing cold water on her face, she answered the fourth call.


"I'm sorry." Nya whispered. "I can't go in tonight. Something happened."


"... What?"

"I believe you heard me. Excuses." She heard them inhale sharply on the other line. "I was there, yesterday. At the cave. Waiting for you."

Nya's stomach dropped. She had forgotten the Samurai's promise. "I... I was busy. There was a Serpentine sighting, and I had to investigate."

"I know, Nya. You took the mech and the guise of the Samurai."

"But- that doesn't change anything. I was still captured, and I couldn't escape."

"You disobeyed me."

"You didn't order me to do anything!" Nya hissed, feeling her anger boil up inside her, wishing she could scream at the top of her lungs.

"Yet you still went out in the Samurai gear, abusing the privileges I've given you. Contrary to what you might believe, you aren't free to do whatever you want. There are rules and regulations."

"So what? I built all of that, it isn't yours to decide what I do with that stuff!"

"You're going to get yourself killed."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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