Chapter 30

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Nya returned home later that night, entering her room quietly and resting on her bed. She took a deep breath in before shakily exhaling, a flow of tears coming with it.

The Venomari were nowhere to be seen, no matter how far and wide she searched in and around their tomb. Nya decided then, since her portion of the mission had already run off, to go help Jay. Sensei had told her not to, but Nya knew that most times there were some things that didn't always go according to plan.

As soon as she heard that Jay was facing not only the Fangpyre's massive army, but her brother as well, Nya knew it was a huge risk.

To have Jay yell at her, scold her... it hurt. Badly. If she had the mask off, she knew he wouldn't have taken out his anger on her as much.

He thought you were a stranger. She reminded herself. He thought you were another man. Don't take it hard. Don't cry. Don't be weak.

To hear that she fucked up Jay's mission and let the Fangpyre and her brother get away... that was what really hurt her.

I should've just stayed behind. I shouldn't have helped him. He was fine on his own. He was fine.

Nya swallowed and wiped her eyes, trying to calm herself down. God, since when did I cry so much? She sat up and surveyed her pillow. Master of Water... more like Master of Tears. I'm so fucking weak.

She slid out of bed and entered the bathroom, rinsing off her face. Her eyes were already growing puffy, but Nya knew she could cover that up easily. I'm used to it, anyway.

The ninja were making their return once she walked onto the deck, all looking tired and disappointed.

Cole and Zane were covered in dirt and out of breath. "Nya." Cole coughed, walking towards her. "Did you have any luck with the Venomari?"

"They weren't there." Nya spoke quietly. "I searched everywhere but they were gone."

"It was the same for us." Zane squinted at her for a moment. "The venom from the bog must have affected your vision, or at least, triggered an allergic reaction."

"Huh?" Nya touched her eyes, remembering the puffiness. "Oh that- oh, yeah. That's most likely it."

Zane's cold fingers rested on her cheeks as he examined her face. "My scanners are damaged, but I believe the swelling should go down in a few hours. It is only a minor inflammation."

"Thanks, Zane." Nya mumbled quietly. She hugged her uniform a little more closely to her body as the chill of the night air nipped at her skin. "Where's Jay? I thought he was-" She cut herself off, remembering it was Samurai X that dropped off Jay on the deck, not Nya.

"He isn't here yet?" Cole glanced around. "Should've been back way before us. He had the easiest mission."

Nya winced. "Oh. Maybe... it didn't go so well."

"Shit, maybe you're right..." Cole unsheathed his scythe. "We should go look for him."

"No need, I see his glider." Zane spoke up, pointing ahead. "I sense there is no danger. He's taking his time to land."

"Jeez, then why the hell did he take so long?" Cole put away his weapon and waved to Jay as he hovered over the deck and landed.

"Sorry I took so long." Jay frowned, catching up to their group.

"Your mission didn't go so well either, huh?" Cole asked, patting his back.

"No, actually. It went pretty well." Jay's eyes were focused on the deck, his mind at work. "They all started to attack each other because of the rumors I spread. Kai and the General were going at it too."

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